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"Jang Jiwoo, hi! I'm Sooyoung, we're neighbors"
Sooyoung bowed and handed Jiwoo the wine she'd previously poured.

"Oh yes of course! It's so good to meet you officially! Thank you so much for coming"
Jiwoo bowed back as she spoke softly. She seemed exceedingly polite, but again, something was off. Kind of like the way she spoke was unnatural. She really was very pretty though. She had full cheeks and pink lips. Her hair was an unnatural but soft peach color, which seemed to contrast the type of lifestyle she'd chosen for herself. Sooyoung wondered if it was the money; the elegance and sophistication, or love that made Jiwoo marry Jang Chulsoo. Sooyoung hoped it was the former. She could respect that. She couldn't, however, respect someone who loves a man like Jang Chulsoo.

"Mr. Jang told me you insisted I attend"
Sooyoung spoke with a teasing smile while Jiwoo's mouth dropped open. "Oh um.."
Jiwoo was obviously flustered and not sure what to say.

"Well only because I don't really know anyone here!"
She seemed to have figured out what she wanted to say, and said it in quite a hurry, defending herself. Sooyoung couldn't help but be amused by Jiwoo's reaction. "Don't you have any friends of your own?"
Sooyoung asked. Jiwoo looked at her feet and fidgeted with her wine glass "uh well I guess I don't get out much..."
Sooyoung could tell she was uncomfortable and she wanted to brighten the mood. "Well I could help you change that if you like"
Jiwoo smiled softly

"Yeah I'd like that"

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