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Sooyoung knocked on the door of the Jang home. She'd come over as quickly as possible because she was very curious as to what Jiwoo wanted to talk about. Of course she had a rough idea considering the fact that Jiwoo had kissed her the week before.

"Come in!"
She heard Jiwoo call from inside.

She opened the door, expecting to see Jiwoo but instead she saw Mr. Jang.

This was quite a shock because Sooyoung had assumed he was away from home because it seemed like Jiwoo had intentions of cheating on Jang Chulsoo.

In reality, Sooyoung realized, Jiwoo had no intentions of cheating, and Jang Chulsoo was home.

He lay at the bottom of one of the two staircases that curved around the large foyer.

He was face down against the elegant black and white tile, with a puddle of blood circling his head and his legs laying at an unnatural angle.

As soon as Sooyoung registered the sight she dropped to her knees, eyes wide, and on instinct, she let out the loudest scream she could.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2020 ⏰

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