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Sooyoung and Jiwoo walked slowly, side by side towards their shared street. The sun was quickly falling below the horizon and they were silent.

It wasn't awkward silence, it was peaceful. Sooyoung could tell Jiwoo was much more comfortable with her than she has been at the brunch party.

Suddenly Jiwoo stopped walking.

It took a moment for Sooyoung to register this but in a few seconds she turned around to face Jiwoo.

They were still a few blocks from their street so Sooyoung was a little confused.

She looked at Jiwoo, eyebrows furrowed.

Jiwoo looked up at Sooyoung, the lost puppy expression from before making a comeback

"What's wrong?"
Sooyoung asked, concerned

Just then, with out any warning Jiwoo put her hands on either side of Sooyoungs face and kissed her on her lips.

Sooyoung was shocked but she would never reject a kiss from Jiwoo

After a few seconds, Sooyoung came to her senses and pulled away

Jiwoo looked up at her, confused

"Jiwoo... You have a husband"

"We can't be together... Because I have a husband...?"

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