Chapter #10

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"  What's the need of staying alone with him

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"  What's the need of staying alone with him...? That too ,until night ...!! I don't like that Shravan... His face and his spectacles.. !"

" On that day I saw them drenching in the rain together..  what's all this?"

Anna spat out words in heat  ... I stood there behind Amma unaware of what's going on...

Appa sat quiet in the recliner..he was listening to him intently...

" Amma... What happened?  Why Anna is scolding me?"

I asked , blinking my eyes with real concern...

  " Remember that you're a girl... Why don't you have some responsibility...? Stay away from him... Now onwards I shouldn't see you with him "

He threatened me , clenching his teeth terribly...

I saw amma  bewildered...

She patted me to reassure...

" Anish... You're over reacting... she is just eleven years old... Don't spoil her innocence by your unwanted lectures... I will take care of her..."

He threw a disgusting look at me... Appa patronized amma in this case where Anna left in anger...

" I told you what I felt... Don't regret later..." He bellowed before leaving...

I pulled my amma's saree  to bend to me...

" Amma... I wasn't alone there...I was with Shravan.. we were watching the sky.. " I spoke to her eyes...

She tugged my hair behind my ears...

" Beta... Don't worry...I understand...go to sleep now"

She assured me with a pleasant smile...

When I was in bed I heard appa shouting at Amma...

" What's this ridiculous...! I don't want Suman to learn all these unwanted things... May be , Anish is right.. take care of her ...."

Amma was on my side ... She didn't argued rather ,she assured that everything would be at her vision...

  I slept unknown to the chaos that centered me and shravan...

  It happened when I was at sixth standard . Anish anna was at tenth standard...

   Even now I think about that incident.. Why he had assumed something between me and shravan was still a query... But ,that moment made everyone around us to keep an eye on us.. And , that vigilant  eyes created insecurity  within us ...

Meanwhile ,  Divya akka's wedding arrangements were on the air...


   " Not bad..."

He exclaims , throwing his eyes around the apartment ..

" Come in Shravan..." I open the curtain which enables the night view of the city...

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