Chapter Fourteen

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~Enya's POV~

I woke up with a sharp pain in my neck, wrists and arms and began to panic as I realized my wrists were bound tightly together and there were thick ropes across my chest and upper arms binding me tightly to an uncomfortable chair. It took a moment for my eyes to adjust to the dark warehouse I was being held captive in. Somewhere outside I heard the cries of seagulls and the distant sound of boats, I must be near some kind of harbor. I struggled against my bonds and winced as they put pressure on my fractured ribs, another gift from my father when I'd tried to tell him I didn't want to marry Lorenzo the night of the rehearsal dinner.

It was too dark for me to make out much of my surroundings. I activated my quirk, my hands became engulfed in flames and burned away the ropes on my wrists before forming into two small flaming daggers. I cut the ropes across my chest and staggered to my feet. Once on my feet, I swayed a little and remembered it had now been more than twenty-four hours since I'd last eaten anything. The daggers in my hand began to shift growing into large curved swords spreading a larger glow of light around me so I could see more of the dark warehouse.

A scream caught in my throat as I spotted two bloody corpses on the ground near the exit. The fire in my hand flared, giving me more light so I could see better. The first body became clearly visible, I nearly lost the contents of my empty stomach as I spotted my driver who'd helped me escape. The hair on the back of my neck stood on end as I began to wonder who the other corpse belonged to. Hesitantly I looked to the other corpse. My heart shattered as I spotted a familiar head of dark hair and a pair of now lifeless hazel eyes. Mei!

A choked sob escaped me before a scream tore from my throat. The flames in my hands exploded outward in an untamable fury scorching the walls of the warehouse. The sounds of voices outside brought me back to my senses and my survival instincts took over, I had to leave! I grabbed my backpack and forced my way out the door. I was hit with the overpowering smell of salt, sea and brine and felt my heart lurch as I nearly ran right into the ocean. Somehow, I managed to catch myself and not fall off the edge of the harbor and get myself turned around so I was facing the mainland. I must have been unconscious for several hours as it was now dark outside. It took every ounce of strength and willpower I had to push onward, keep running and not breakdown on the spot.

The shouts of men's voices sounded from behind me. It wasn't Japanese or English, it was Italian. I ran faster heading toward the mainland wanting to get as far from the water as I could. Footsteps sounded from behind me just as I saw beams of light coming from the opposite end of the harbor, like flashlight beams.

A strong hand latched around my wrist and wrenched me backward. Another hand tried to clap over my mouth as I let out a scream. There was a loud pop and a searing pain as my shoulder became dislocated. I choked on a scream of pain and swung my free hand backward sending a massive burst of fire into my assailant's face. He let go of my wrist and let out a loud roar of pain as all of his facial hair was singed off. I turned to run again and felt my heart flutter in my chest as I heard a familiar voice where the beams of light were, it sounded like All Might!

I felt a bead of hope well up inside of me, "All Might!" I screamed desperately.

One of the beams of light flashed in our direction sweeping over me illuminating me and my gown. The man who'd grabbed me a moment before recovered and hurriedly shoved me out of the light's path, not wanting me to be seen. A scream escaped me as I slipped over the harbor's edge and fell into the ocean.

Desperately I struggled to kick and keep myself afloat but the already heavy gown turned to cement once it was wet and dragged me down to the dark murky depths quickly. I uselessly kicked my legs and flapped my arms struggling with all my might to stop myself from sinking. It was dark out! He'd never be able to find me! Panic gripped me as I sank further. There was a loud commotion coming from the surface.

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