Chapter Seventeen

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~All Might's POV~

David offered to give Enya's brother a ride to the airport. I'd nearly lost my cool, I'd been so angry at him for lying to me before about the abuse and then seemingly trying to brush it away again. I took a deep breath to calm myself before opening the door to my closet and flipping on the light. The pile of plushies appeared to be trembling.

"Enya?" I called to her softly.

A sniffle came from the pile of plushies that nearly broke my heart.

I knelt on the floor next to the pile of plushies and slowly started sifting through the various plushies to get to her. It took a while before I found her curled into a ball crying quietly amongst the plushies. It felt like someone was gripping my heart tightly in their hand. I couldn't bear to see her like this. She looked up at me with tear filled deep blue eyes. The thought of her in here alone, crying and shaking with fear while I'd been telling off her brother practically broke me, I could have handled that better. At first, I'd had some reservations about being dishonest and misleading because I could see how much he truly cared for her, but the moment he'd mentioned taking her back, I snapped.

"I'm sorry, I could have handled that better." I sighed.

"Do I have to go back?" She asked with a sniffle.

I shook my head, "no, you don't have to do anything you don't want to ever again."

She sat up and wiped away her tears before diving into my arms. "Thank you, Toshinori."

My heart skipped a beat as I caught her in my arms. "No thanks necessary." I gently hugged her back. "How about we finish breakfast now?"

She nodded and got to her feet before quickly putting the plushies back in order. We headed back to the kitchen and I noticed her gaze drift to the little bit of cereal that has spilled across the counter when she'd nearly had a heart attack when her brother attempted to beat down the door. "Sorry."

"It's alright." I swept up the spilled cereal and offered her a smile, "no harm done."

She finally started to relax again and returned my smile with one of her own. After three days of ordering pizza, Enya had caught on to my lack of cooking skills and offered to take care of cooking. My refrigerator was finally happy as it was now filled with real food. I was surprised that a young lady from such a rich family, that was sure to have chefs, knew how to cook, before I remembered her mentioning her parents had sent her off to a school that essentially shaped young ladies into being perfect little housewives...there was A LOT wrong with the Todoroki family. At first, I'd protested as I didn't want her to feel she had to do the cooking and offered to help her with what I could but nearly set the apartment on fire in my attempt to help her. At that point she politely informed me she enjoyed cooking, alone, and would feel better if she had something to do to help me out.

She'd been staying with me for nearly a week. I was still crashing on the sofa and planning to go furniture shopping sometime soon and find something to do with the office and home gym equipment in my spare bedroom so she could have her own bedroom. A law enforcement friend I'd made who worked with witness protection was able to help me sort out documentation and get Enya a new identity to keep her protected and in hopes that she could have a somewhat normal life while hiding from her family.

I looked over at Enya as she moved her cereal around in her bowl with her spoon, not really eating anything. She looked deep in thought. "Are you sure you're alright with this?" I asked softly trying not to startle her, she was still a bit jumpy.

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