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Professor Beledras taps her stick against the board, the sharp sound cutting through the dreariness of Owain's mind. He'd hardly slept last night, for reasons he hasn't discerned. As a result, he's been fighting hard to stay awake all day. That's no easy feat, considering the lectures he's had to listen to all day. Owain can't remember a thing any of his teachers had talked about. In a way, he almost envies Pyke, for getting to go to common school. The workload is practically non-existent.

The professor continues her pacing of the room, her voice fluctuating as she speaks. However, to Owain, it just sounds like a mumbled bunch of syllables.

Owain releases a soft sigh, lifting his head to look out the large windows, on either side of the board. The day is bright and there is no sign of night. The sun beams brighter, almost taunting him.

It's going to be a long day.

"Professor?" a sweet, feminine voice questions. "I have a question."

"Go ahead, Ms. Bestel." Even in his muggy state, the name registers.

"Will we get to choose our own groups? I just feel like for an assignment like this, it would be necessary to know who you're working with, so you know each other's strengths and weaknesses."

Professor Beledras doesn't bat an eye. Vieva slumps a bit, disappointed.

"I appreciate the comment, Ms. Bestel, but I will be choosing the group." Her imperceptible gaze sweeps across the room. "I have found, through prior experience, that letting students of your age-of any age, for that matter-proves catastrophic. I will be doing a random assignment. Do not question me any further about the matter."

Vieva doesn't say anything, but from the tight line she has pressed her lips into, Owain can tell she disagrees, but is merely keeping it to herself. Beledras makes no move to correct her, or even hint that she sees Vieva's reaction.

"Now, who can reiterate the assignment to me?" She taps her chin, in mock-thought. "Who shall it be?"

Not me, not me, not me, not me...

"Mr. Snagsnout. We haven't heard from you today." A small smile graces her thin lips, and Owain gulps. From the glitter in her eyes, he can tell that she had been aware of his dozing off.

He wracks his brain for what she had been prattling on about, but comes up woefully empty-handed. The scene plays out in his head. He says he doesn't know the answer, he gets a suspension for not taking the class seriously, his mother and father yell at him, and he'll be doomed for all eternity.

"Well? We don't have all day." The professor prompts.

Owain curls in on himself.

"I don't know." His voice is heavy, hardly louder than a whisper. He almost expects the teacher to make him repeat it louder, but Professor Beledras just lifts her chin at him.

"Mr. Snagsnout, ordinarily, this would call for a detention. But, since you are a first year, and the year has just begun, I will grant you this one pass. Mark my words, students, this does not permit you to slack off. I won't be lenient again." Thank the Founders.

With one more piercing look at Owain, she begins to speak again. This time, Owain forces himself to sit up straight, and focus. It takes near all of his concentration.

"This is your first large project of the semester. It's worth a lot of your final grade points, almost as much as final exams, so I would listen closely." Professor Beledras arches a brow. Even though she's not looking at him, Owain flushes.

"You and your group will be assigned a creature. Your job is to find that creature, of my choice, in the Nyx Woods, trap it, and present it to me. You'll have a multitude of opportunities to do so, but the assignment is formally due in two weeks time, the beginning of October. Your group will be chosen at random, and whatever group you get is who you're stuck with. No exceptions. I don't want to hear you crying when one of your team members disagrees with your approach. You must work together.

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