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Zay's POV

I watch nervously as Elliot just stares at me, his mom looking between the two of us, though her eyes are sharp as she takes me in.

She decides to get thing in motion, standing up from the chair she was sitting in and turning to Elliot. "I'm going to find your dad." She says, squeezing his shoulder softly and he nods, patting her hand before she lets go and walks away.

On the plane I had a lot of thinking time, and that's all I did.

And taking the time to actually think back to everything that's happened between us, I don't blame him from walking away, regardless if I told him to or not.

And while I still wish he had handled things differently.... I'm not as innocent as I thought which is a big pill to swallow. I look up at Elliot, standing up unsteadily as I take a few steps closer to him. "Can we talk?" I ask him, biting my lips in nerves, hoping he will say yes, but expecting him to say no.

His eyes bore into mine and I see him firme in frustration before turning his head away and sighing. "Fine. Stay here." He tells me.

I nod as he turns around and I hear him go up to stairs before he comes down about two minutes later with shoes and a real shirt on. He gestures for me to lead the way and I turn to make my way from the living room and towards the front door.

Elliot opens the door and leaves it unlocked as we walk outside, shutting the door behind us.

"We might not be supernatural, but my parents shave a knack of having good ears when being nosey." He tells me and I laugh quietly as he leads us down the driveway and towards the sidewalk, our gait slow and steady as we walk side by side.

We're quiet for the first few minutes, and I realize that since I'm the one to seek him out, I have to be the one to start the conversion and that idea does not sir well with me. But I know if I want this thing between us, whatever it is, to be better than it was before, then I have to put in just as much effort as he is, even if it is hard. And scary. Very fucking scary. Scarier than my first DP.

"Stop thinking so hard." Elliot's voice beside me makes me jump and I turn to him shyly, his deep brown irises staring down at me from the corner of his eyes.

"Sorry I- I'm so sorry." I tell him, unable to look at him anymore as tears well up in my eyes.

He doesn't say anything as we continue our slow pace and I do my best to clear my throat so that I can speak to him without breaking down in the middle of the street.

"I never thought about what this bond between us was doing to you. I kept forgetting that soulmates isn't a normal thing for humans, not like it is for us." I start, my hands in front of me as I think about the way he looked when he left my apartment. About the way I ignored it to tend to my own feelings that were hurt over a lie I created. "Your ex and Mike came to see me today." I tell him and I feel him stiffen a bit at the mention of them.

"Courtney." He tells me and his voice is hard as if I didn't say her name on purpose. And though I didn't, I don't complain because he's told me her name before and I didn't care do remember it out of spite and jealousy.

"Courtney came and explained to me what happened that night. The night you picked her up and took her home." My voice gets quiet as I look around us. The houses are all nice two and one story houses, the cookie cutter type that everyone dreams up when they think about their future. The grass in almost every years is cut to perfection and a deep green, the gardens spread out before us almost too perfect as we walk down the street, the sun staring to dip low into the horizon. "I didn't let you speak that night, but with everything that happened

"There is no but, Zayvion. The only thing I did before was take you on a date that I wasn't ready for like I thought. I haven't touched Courtney even since me and you talked after I figured everything out. If you're just going to try and excuse everything that's happened, you might as well go back to Kaulike." He tells me and I start to panic.

"No! I don't want to go back without you Elliot. I miss you and I really am sorry for what I put you through. I was so focused on the fact that you were supposed to be my soulmate, I didn't pay attention to the fact that in your eyes, you thought you already found yours. I forgot that I'm supposed to be your soulmate and perfect match too, not just you for me. I was being selfish I know. And I know I shouldn't excuse it, just please come back home." I beg him, my voice breaking as I beg for him to come back with me, needing him not just for feeding but just because it's him.

Elliot stops walking, causing me to stop as well, the stop side above him thankfully blocking the lowering sun from my eyes.

His deep brown eyes lock on to mine and he stares at me as if search me, looking for some type of answer that I'm not so confident that I gave for him anymore. "Do you like me, or do you like the idea of me and what I stand for as your soulmate?" He asks me.

And my mind blanks.

And I frown, trying to figure out the difference in the question and apparently, that was answer enough as Elliot nods at me and sighs softly.

He begins to walk past me as tears begin to well in my eyes and fall down my face in shame and heartbreak as I cause him to walk away from me once more. He stops about a foot away from me and turns around, his soft eyes meeting mine as I see the shine of his own tears gleam in his eyes. "Dinner is at seven every night if you want to come. Might learn a thing or to about me." He says before he's turning away and walking back in the direction he came.

After a few moments I follow him back in the direction of his house, staying behind him as I continue to try and figure out what the hell I'm doing wrong and how to fix it.

I watch as Elliot climbs up the front porch of his house, walking into the fork before shutting it without a backwards glance in my direction to make sure I'm behind him. Luckily having brought my keys with me, I unlock the car I rented and jump inside, wiping my suddenly wet face before I start the car.

When I look back up, I swear that I see the closing of a curtain in the living room window, but it happens to fast for me to be sure. But of course, it's only my wistful thinking hoping that it's Elliot making sure I got to the car safely.

I pull out of the driveway and head to the hotel where I got a room for two nights, the money that I've been saving for the past six years coming in handy after all this time. As I settle in for the night, all I can think about is the fact that maybe this thing between Elliot and I can't be fixed at all.

Ugh I can't wait to get you guys reactions on these chapters because it's surely a lot to take in and it's hard to decide who's side to be on. I get both sides but I think Elliot has ultimately been through the most.



QOTD: Do you like onion rings?

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