~𝚍𝚒𝚍 𝚑𝚎?~ //𝟷𝟸

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(A/N-edited- Hey cookies ^^ The recap is gonna be a bit long since the last proper chapter was 5 days ago. Also I just looked back on the last chapter, and jeez it was a bit harsh. But then again, this is an angst so at one point you have to write about the sensitive stuff. I'll rant at the end as per usual but for now, Chile anyways ill start da story >)


Hinata ended up missing his morning race with Kageyama and arrived a couple minuets late with Natsu. He slid open the gym doors with his left hand and heard a "HINATA WH-" Kageyama started to screen at him, Hinata squinted for a split-second not enough for anyone to notice though. However, Natsu shivered a tiny bit and squeezed her brother's hand tighter. "Sorry guys I had to bring my sister with me today as my parents are out and I over-slept a little" He said, rubbing the back of his neck.

Everyone was took back a bit but Suga broke the silence saying "It fine don't worry about it!" He then walked over and crouched down to Natsu taking notice of her flinch when Kageyama shouted. "Sorry about him shouting he's just like that. Annoying right?" Suga shut his eyes and smiled giggling, Natsu giggles a bit as well. "Well my name is Suga, what's your name". To Suga's surprise she let go of Hinata's hand and hugged Suga. He tensed up but quickly hugged her back. "I like you. Oh and Natsu"

This made Suga feel happy and laugh a bit. Everyone else laughed a bit as well. "Ha yeah she just says those kind of things when she is comfortable around someone" Hinata mentioned picking Natsu up. "Erm coach is she ok to stay with you for the day" He asked. "o-oh uh yeah sure she can help me out in the shop for a bit" Coach Ukai said to the ginger.

Hinata looked at Natsu and mouthed 'don't worry' knowing she wasn't good with strangers unless she liked them straight away. He then placed her on the benches next to Kiyoko and Yachi starting small talk with them. Hinata smiled through his worries.


Practice soon came to an end and Hinata said goodbye to Natsu before she walked over to Coach Ukai's shop.

Hinata started to worry a bit about Natsu and if she was ok during 1st period 'I hope she is ok. Coach Ukai should look after her. Wait what if dad comes! NO! he wont find her!' 'Yes he will he will hurt her again' 'n-no he w-won't' 'Idiot your so stupid of course he will and Natsu is probably stressed because of you just die' 'I know...I should die....but....I cant leave Natsu'

Tears started to fall down Hinata's face and his breathing dramatically shortened. The voice would go away, he needed his razor. "Mr. Hinata are you ok?" The teacher said with a worried expression on her face "c-can I go to t-the washroom" Hinata stuttered "...Ok...be quick" "Hai"

Hinata walked out the classroom with his bag across his shoulder and once in the hallway started to sprint to the bathrooms. He finally got there, locked himself in the bathroom and started to rush through his back rapidly. 'where is it? where is it? where is it?' His thoughts were erratic as all he wanted, needed, was to cut. "yes" He whispered to himself through his heavy breaths. Hinata found it. He found his razor. Picking it up between his hands and bringing it towards his arms dragging it slowly pointed downwards. He started to press harder and adjust the angle to where it would cut deepest. Before even realising his arm was a mess...but the voice was gone. A shady consequence of shutting it out, but was it worth it?

Cuts from the lower shoulder to the very end of his pale arm. Some on his wrists and some on top. "Fuck" He said to himself. He started to cry again, tears dropped one by one as he chucked the blade back in his bag. He brought his fingers up to his face and sniffed. Metallic, The sweat glands from his fingers rubbed off on the metal now making his hands stink of a metallic rust.

𝟿 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 ~𝚊𝚋𝚞𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚝𝚊~Where stories live. Discover now