Chapter 1

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A little note - I also posted this on Ao3. You can find it there, it has the same title.

Adora was on her bed scrolling through social media on her laptop. The school she went to had a page on social media where everyone could post whatever they wanted. Adora decided to scroll through the page for a bit.

It was all normal teenage banter, most of the things were about how annoying some of the teachers were. Others were about how someone had a rough day or failed a test. There was one post that stood out from everything else though.
It was anonymous but it was from a girl that went to Adora's school.

Sometimes life feels like a ferris wheel, one time I'm on top of the world and other times I'm at rock bottom. Truth is, my life isn't all that bad. It's pretty great actually, even though I do have my ups and downs. To anyone, I'm just a normal girl. But no one knows I'm gay.
- Rain

Adora felt her heart stop, it was as if she had written the post. There was someone from her school that had the exact same problem she did, it felt weird. She always thought she was the only one, even though now that seems like a weird thing to think.

She had to talk with her, she finally found someone who had the same thing she did. She couldn't pass up on this opportunity, she wanted to get to know whoever Rain was.

She looked at the email address. was the email address.
Adora sat up straighter and started typing.

DATE: Oct 17, 10:17 PM
SUBJECT: I'm just like you

Dear Rain,
I'm just like you. No one knows I'm gay. I didn't think there would be anyone in our school that had the same thing. I know that when people find out they'll probably be fine with it. But somehow, I just can't get myself to tell them. It's as if I want to hold on to the feeling that I'm just like anyone else. The feeling that I don't have to worry about these kind of problems. I never thought I would find someone who also had this problem, if you can even call it that. I hope to hear from you soon.
- Aimee

Adora makes sure that she's on her fake email before pressing send. Her heart was beating out of her chest, was this a mistake? It probably was, Rain probably isn't even real. It's probably just a sick joke of some guy that thought he was funny.

After a few minutes, the anxiety became too much and she started pacing around in her room. Every few seconds she would check her email to see if there was any response, anything at all.

After what seemed like forever, even though it was probably about ten minutes, she got a reply.

DATE: Oct 17, 10:28 PM
SUBJECT: RE I'm just like you

Wow, I did not expect this. You completely surprised me, in all the good ways of course. I didn't think that someone with the exact same problem as me would read the post and reply to it. I'm glad you did though, I really am. God, there's so much to talk about. When did you know? Do you think your family is going to be okay with it? I'm sorry, I'm just so excited. I can finally talk to someone about this. I've kept it inside for so long, it kind of feels like there's this weight that has been lifted off my shoulders. I'll be waiting for your reply.
- Rain

Adora read the email about five times before putting her laptop down and looking up to the ceiling. This was real, she was real.

It was almost too good to be true. She had someone to talk with, she could finally openly talk about being gay. She could talk about girls instead of boys.

There was finally someone who she could talk to about finding out she liked girls, she could talk about her celebrity crushes. She could finally truly be herself with someone.

Rain was adorable, the way she got excited warmed Adora's heart. It was late, she had school tomorrow, she had to go to sleep. Before she actually went to sleep she decided that she would write a reply, a long one.

DATE: Oct 17, 10:47 PM
SUBJECT: answers to your questions

Don't you worry, I'll answer all your questions. And you don't have to say sorry for being excited, I don't mind at all. There really is a lot to talk about, I'll answer your first question. I've known it for about three years now. I know this is going to sound really weird, but I actually found out I liked girls because of a character in a tv show.
From the moment I saw her I became obsessed with her. Eventually the character got a girlfriend and I started shipping them so badly. I knew that girls could date girls but I wasn't ever that interested in it. But holy hell, I was interested in it after that.
Honestly, after that I started shipping the girls with the girls and the boys with the boys in every show I watched. Then there was this girl in my class, she was so beautiful. I kinda had a crush on her for a while, until she moved away.
After all of that, I told myself I was bisexual. I know, I know. Younger me just still thought I also liked boys. Then I met a guy who was really sweet and REALLY attractive (gay, not blind). I thought I liked him, I really did. We dated for a few months, and that's when I realized that I just can't be in a relationship with a guy. I didn't love him, I didn't feel anything when we kissed, I didn't want to have sex with him. Even though I thought he was attractive, I didn't like him. That's when I realized that I'm just really gay.
The answer to if my family would be okay with it is way shorter. They would, they really would. I just don't want to tell them yet, I don't know why. I guess I just like pretending that I'm completely normal, even though I still feel completely normal. It's weird, I don't really understand either.
- Aimee

Adora finished typing the email and hit send. It was late, she probably wouldn't get another reply today. After sending the email, she closed the laptop and went to bed.

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