Chapter 5: Mysterious Encounter

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2826/08/02 Cam_Mt.Teros_Fac_S-11_QT-C_5 01:08:04

The girl had an energy blade like Ava's on her back, but with more dents, and scratches, like it's been through a lot, and a pulse pistol hung from her belt. She looked around the same age as Ava, and was wearing a dark grey energy vest and pants. Her forearms were covered with a white brace device, with black cables going in coming from a device on her back. Her metal mask had implants running down to a cylinder gas tank on her back labeled O2.

Ava hadn't expected anyone reinforcements to come. She looked at Mason, thinking he knew something about this but he looked as confused as she was.

"Who's that?" He asked.

"I don't know!" She answered. "I thought you would."

The three gold rings dispersed into a cloud of golden fragments, only to recombine behind the girl into three gold orbs. Then chaos broke loose.

The soldiers opened fire on them, and Mason raised his shield to block the attacks, but the girl beat him to it. One of the golden orbs rushed to the entrance insanely fast, expanding and changing shape until a giant projected shield covered the majority of the entrance, absorbing each pulse shot. 

One of the two remaining orbs flashed a golden light and turned into an inky black one. The remaining golden orb dissipated into pure energy, swirling and concentrating around the girl's feet until it suddenly exploded into golden fragments, propelling her into the air.

The golden fragments flashed and turned black, then all rushed straight through the projected shield, into the lines of the soldiers who were now focused on the girl in the air. The fragments pierced multiple people, leaving a gaping wound in their armor. After that, the fragments rushed upward, combining into a black orb that returned to her.

The two black orbs enveloped her and she exploded into black smoke that rushed forward into the ranks of the enemy and exploded, sending them away as the black smoke recombined into her, and the black matter recombined into black orbs, which flashed and became gold again.

The projected shield shrunk into a golden orb again, and returned to her, the golden orbs surrounded her, swirling faster and faster, then suddenly launched a torrent of golden lasers at the soldiers until all of them fell to the ground.

The golden orbs stopped spinning, and expanded and orbited around her again as rings. She turned to them and pointed to the teleporter behind them, which was now ready, and online, as the glow in her eyes was dying. It was hard to tell because of the red lights panning across the room again and again, but Ava thought she could see the true color of her eyes coming back, light... blue... eyes...?

Before she could process this, Mason grabbed her by the hand the arm.

"Let's go!" Mason said.

"Wait! WE haven't even thanked her yet."

"No time there's more coming."

He was right of course, Ava could already hear dozens more footsteps coming their way.

"But-." Ava turned around, but the girl was gone, a gold and black portal closing above where she was. "...Okay. But do you know where this leads?"

"There was only one place this thing went to when I checked the destination teleporters, but it wasn't named." He answered. "It's our only way out though. Ready to find out where we'll end up?"

"Nope. Let's do it."

Together, they walked into the portal.


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