Chapter 8: Strike a Deal

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Mason struggled to get up, he was on the floor, in a dark empty space. When he looked around, it was all pitch black, and he couldn't see anything. After he got to his feet, he racked his mind for clues as to where he was. The last thing he remember was he and Ava getting hit and sent flying. Wait... Where was Ava?

Mason tried to run around the dark space, shouting her name, but the sound came out soft and distorted, and if there was anything or anyone around him, he couldn't hear them. The entire place felt weird and wrong, and every second he spent here felt like it was draining him, or pulling him closer to something.

He ran around desperately, trying to find an exit, but found nothing. It felt as if the entire space was empty. He tried to think of something, anything he could do, when suddenly a voice behind him surprised him.

"Welcome." It said.

Mason whirled around to face the newcomer. Standing in front of him was a man somewhere in his mid-30s with a black business suit and white tie, he had hetero chromatic black and white eyes.

"It's nice to finally meet you in person Mason." He said.

Mason asked the obvious question. "Who are you?"

The man waved aside the question. "Doesn't matter right now. I'd like to talk to you about something more important."

He looked Mason in the eyes, a pulse gun materializing in his hand. "Listen carefully now. There's a choice coming soon." He said raising the gun to point at Mason.

Mason instinctively reached for his knife, but it wasn't there, he tried to block the shot with his hand but he found that he couldn't even move. He closed his eyes as the gunshot rang out, but it didn't hit him, when he opened his eyes, he found himself standing to the side of where he was, in front of him, white lines and dots appeared, connecting like a constellation, until the shape was human, and the shapes showed an event unfolding, with another holding a gun which has already been shot, while the shot hung suspended in the air between the two.

"Though I can't tell you what to do," The man's voice said to Mason's right. "I can advise you on which one is right."

He pointed to the one getting shot at. "You know your little friend, what was her name again..?"

"Ava." Mason blurted out, as if the words just came out of him.

"Yes that's the one. Let me give you a warning, Mason. She is more dangerous than you could imagine." He said, his voice sounding like it was full of concern.

"Her? But she's-"

"Not what she looks like." The man said, cutting him off. "Let me show you something."

A holographic screen appeared in front of him, its display blazing to life. It showed a giant spaceship roaming the edge, five floating towers surrounding it. On the bottom of the ship was the symbol of a clock, a logo that Mason felt like he should've known.

"If she lives through your little breakout, if she is ever to escape," The man said. "She will cause destruction in her wake."

As if on cue the towers started collapsing in on themselves, suddenly imploding, spewing rubble and light blue crystals everywhere. One after the other they were all destroyed, and then after a suspenseful wait, the giant spaceship in the middle imploded, breaking in half, and a inky black darkness escaped, consuming everything.

The scene left Mason speechless, but he didn't believe that Ava could've caused that. "There's no way that's real."

"Oh, but it is." The man said, and somehow, Mason could tell that this was real, and he was telling the truth. "You see Mason, she must be destroyed, and I've already done half the job for you."

He turned to face him. "I'm here to advise you on what you should do, so when the moment comes, let it happen. There's a bright future ahead of you on the surface. Saving her would cost your life, your future, and the lives of many others."

Mason didn't entirely believe the man, but the thought that Ava might have caused what he was shown on the screen, and the fact that he was assured that he would get to the surface if he left Ava to die, sounded tempting, which made Mason feel horrible.

"Make up your mind fast, because it's going to happen sooner then you think." The man said, then he disappeared.

The place slowly started filling with gold light, and the scene in front of him started moving. Before the shot hit, the light was blinding, and a force pushed Mason forward, and he started falling endlessly.

He heard someone calling his name in desperation, a voice he should've known. It took him all his willpower, but he woke up.


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Ava was in front of him, trying to shake him awake, but Mason would never be able to see her the same way again.

"Mason get up! Quickly!" She said in a hurried voice.

Mason slowly got to his feet.

"Oh thank god." She said in slight relief. She pointed to her right. "We've got to go."

Mason looked to the place Ava was pointing, coming down the concrete corridor was a wall of solid darkness, with two glowing white orbs in the center. Pure black tendrils rapidly shot out from it, embedding themselves into the walls and pulling it forward. In the center the orbs split apart, and the darkness slowly pulled back like rubber.

Ava realized what it was doing before Mason.

"Down!" She said, tackling him.

A black tendril shot out in the space above them, moving lightning fast and just barely missing them.

This time, Mason got up as fast as he could along with Ava. Turns out fear was a great motivator, and it helped them make the same choice, and possibly the smartest choice.

For the second time, they turned down the corridor and ran.


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