Fancy a cup of tea?

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Harry's P.O.V

     I woke up to the door bell ringing. It was already 11:57pm. Fuck I'm late from school! What happened to the alarm? I got up realizing it was Saturday today. Oh. I walked downstairs in my boxers; Gemma was probably coming home from her friend's house and had forgotten the keys home again. My aunt was lying on the couch. She was sleeping. She always fell asleep while watching the Modern Family. I didn't know why she did, it was one of her favourite shows.

     I got to the front door. It was cold inside and out too. The door was locked, as I figured. I opened it expecting to see my sister. But it wasn't her.

"Oh, ehmm morning Harry" Louis said looking awkward. I remembered I was wearing boxers only. Oh. "Did I wake you up? I'm sorry, I was just thinking if you could come to the store with me like, now?" He smirked at me. He wasn't wearing a jacket. Because I had his jacket and now he is freezing because of me. Great. His nose was red and I could see he was shaking.

"Yeah, sure I'm just gonna - oh come in Louis you're freezing out there!" I exclaimed, stepping out of the way.

"Oh, okay" Louis said and came in. He was looking gorgeous again, he was wearing black jeans and a red-white striped jumper. And of course; the black beanie.

"Do you want something to eat? I'm gonna make mysecute. toast and some tea, want some?" I asked Louis. He was looking around. He took his black Vans off, he wore no shoes. He must be freezing all the time, how does he even survive like that?

"Yeah, I would love a cup of tea if it's okay." Louis replied. We walked into my kitchen. He sat on the table. I put the kettle on and crabbed two mugs from the cupboard. I took two toasts and put them into the toaster. I sat down on the table, opposite Louis.

"So what are we gonna buy from the store then?" I asked Louis. We got lost in each others eyes for a second. He was blushing. So damn cute.

"Uhm, I'm going to look for a new jacket - hey you still got my jacket?" Louis asked. "Yeah I do it's in my room." I replied, getting up to turn the kettle off and pouring some hot water into the mugs.

"Oh okay. Well I was planning to buy a jacket, if I'll find a nice one. And mom told me to buy something for her, too." He was suddenly standing next to me. I looked at him. I forgot what I was doing so I poured way too much boiling water and half of the water from the mug splitted all over my stomach. HOLY SHIT ouchhhhh it burned!!!

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT AAARGH DAMMIT!!" I screamed. It hurted so bad I hadn't felt anything as burning on my skin, ever. I threw the cattle into the sink. "LOUIS PLEASE CAN YOU TAKE SOME ICE FROM THE FREEZER?! I'M FUCKING BURNING!!" I was now lying on the floor. Aunt ran into the kitchen.

"What is going on Harry!? Did you - oh God Harry!" She was confused, she didn't know who Louis was. She stood there for a while, watching Louis searching for the ice and me laying on the floor, my stomach burning like hell.

"MOM DON'T JUST STAND THERE! THIS BURNS LIKE HELL JUST - CALL 911!!" I screamed at her. She ran into the living room, crabbing her phone and calling the ambulance.

"Here you go Harry! Oh my GOD it looks horrible!!" Louis shouted, handing over the bag of ice. I quickly threw it onto my bare stomach. God IT'S BURNING!! My eyes we're watering. I felt like passing out. I felt like my skin was burning for real. It was hard to breathe.

    I felt Louis holding my hand. It was more like he was squeezing it. He was clearly scared and didn't really know what to do. My Aunt had called the ambulance and they were on their way.

The ambulance took ages to arrive. Or that's what it felt like.

They were finally here. Someone lifted me up. I was still wearing boxers but that wasn't my biggest problem right now. I wasn't sure if I was still conscious. My eyes were closed. I heard voices but couldn't tell what they were saying. I heard Louis' beautiful, but extremely worried sounding voice screaming something. Someone put a blancet on me. There was kind of a bandage on my stomach. I was just laying there; couldn't really move. I couldn't feel much, not even pain anymore. I knew Louis was still holding my hand.

Then I passed out.

Louis' P.O.V

    We were in the ambulance. Harry was lying on a mattress. His beautiful face and lips were pale. He had fainted. I was so scared for him, it came out of nowhere. All of a sudden he was lying on the floor, screaming and crying. His bare stomach was all red and it looked horrible. I was sobbing. I hated seeing him hurting. His auntie was holding his right hand. We didn't talk; we were both in a shock.

   We arrived to the hospital. The nurses took him out, into the building. I refused to let go of his hand. I ran next to the moving stretcher with Harry's screaming Aunt.

"You two need to wait outside" a nurse told us when they were getting into a room, didn't really know what they were going to do. They don't need an operation or anything for that? I was freaking out. The nurses hurried into the room.

     I let go of his cold hand and stood there, outside the room. His Aunt was sitting on a chair ten feet away. I stood there for a long time. I was just staring at the door. I felt numb.

He looked at me. That's why he wasn't concentrating on pouring the boiling water. And then, because of me, it splitted on him. If I didn't stand up and go there, stand next to him, this wouldn't have happened.

Why did I do it.

I started crying.

Yes. Hospital. Not a clice, no.

First I thought of a bus crashing into Harry's house in the morning. That would've been a big ass drama.
Haha, hope you liked it. I've been updating this for FOUR (yes FOUR) days in a row. So I could say that I've been productive. For once aha.

Please, give this a vote and maybe a comment? Thanks for reading, love you all crazy people xx

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