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Do you ever hear someone say something rude to someone else and you just want to say a comeback... like:
"Your awful"
"Stop talking to yourself, people are going to think your crazy"
I'd like to thank Eliza for that shoot-for-the-stars
Or like:
"Your the worst"
"If your name isn't google then stop acting like you know everything"
(That is a personal favorite)
Sorry for how cheesy it is...

Comment here if you have any great comebacks-

Ok so now Im going to share some breakup and pickup lines because we can all use more of those in our lives XD
"There's something wrong with my phone, it doesn't have your number on it"
"You spend so much time in my head, I should charge you rent"
"Do you believe in love at first sight or do I need to walk by again?"
This next one will make you laugh soo hard...
"Did you fart? Because you blow me away"
When I first heard this I think I almost died XD

Now we have breakup lines...
"Is it hot in here or is this relationship suffocating me?"
"Do you want to know a joke? Our relationship."
*look back*
"Honey, I think someone is following us, I've been seeing people behind your back"
That one made me laugh but this next one is my all time favorite!
You ready?
You setty?
You go!
"Our relationship is like a fat guy, it's not working out"

Comment here if you have any good breakup or pickup lines-

Ok that all!
Peace out!
And my new saying...


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