Father freddie mercury x daughter lesbian reader

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I know girl in red wasn't a thing back then but go with it.

( Freddie's POV)

The Jim and I were talking. " I can't believe our daughter is already 16." Jim " Me either." I say letting out a breath.
" Anyway I'm going to make dinner do you want anything specific?" Jim asks me. " No thank you for asking though." He goes to the kitchen and Delilah decides it's time to play. " Oh alright." Smiling.

(Time Skip)

" Dinners ready." Jim called after me. " Ok let me just get (y/n). Walking up the grand staircase making my way to her room door. As I bring my fist up to knock I hear a guitar and (y/n)'a voice.

   Oh Hannah
I wanna fell you close
   Oh Hannah
Come lie with my bones
Oh Hannah
Don't look away
Oh Hannah
Just look at me the same

I think about her bestfriend Hannah.

I don't wanna be your friend
I wanna kiss your lips
I wanna kiss you until I lose my breath
I don't wanna be your friend
I wanna kiss your lips
I wanna kiss you until I lose my breath

Oh Hannah

Oh Hannah

Oh Hannah

Oh Hannah
tell me something nice like flowers and blue skies

I feel a hand on my shoulder and I jump a little, but turn around to see Jim with a confused look on his face. " Listen" I whisper while pointing at her door. He leans his ear to the door and listens.

Oh Hannah
I will follow you home
Although my lips are blue and I'm cold

I don't wanna be your friend
I wanna kiss your lips
I wanna kiss you until I lose my breath

I don't wanna be your friend
I wanna kiss your lips
I wanna kiss you until I lose my breath

Oh Hannah

Oh Hannah

Oh Hannah

I wanna kiss until I lose my breath

I don't wanna be your friend

I don't wanna be your friend

I wanna be your bitch
And I wanna touch you but not like this

The look in your eyes
My hands between your thighs
Oh this can't be real
It's all just a dream

I don't wanna be your friend
I wanna kiss your lips
I wanna kiss you until I lose my breath

I look at jim . How did I not notice? Why didn't she tell me? Did she think I was going to react badly, I'm gay so I don't see why she would think that.

I don't wanna be your friend
Lose my breath
I don't wanna be your friend
Lose my breath

Her voice quites as she finishes the song. Jim and I knock on her door. " Hey can we come in?"  " Um one sec" I hear her panicked voice, I also here sadness in her voice. After a second we hear a soft " come in" I walk in and see
(y/n) sitting on her bed with red puffy eyes.
" I assume you heard." " We did, but know I will always love." " Thank you" she says and opens her sweater covered arms to us. We both go in and hug her. " It's so unfair, why do some people get to love freely when we have to hide" she sobbed. I hug her tightly " I know and so sorry you have feel this way. I wish I could say it gets better, but it you're going to have to fight to be yourself. I know we can do this together. All three of us." I let go of her and wipe her tears way. " Thanks dad, papa." " Of course little one, and I made your favorite (f/f)." Jim says. ( y/n) sniffs and smiles."  Well what are we waiting for." ( y/n) exclaims and gets up from her bed. We all head down stairs when I look at (y/n) " so Hannah" she looks at me with embarrassment shown on her face. " DAD" she exclaims." He's just messing with you." Jim answers for me . We sit down, eat, and just have fun for the rest of the night.


so what do you think? I tried
Stay safe🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


Good bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2020 ⏰

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