Chapter One: Stormy

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Trigger Warning: Tiny bit of blood, cursing, and I think that's it :)

-Tommy's Point of View-

The sky looked grey today. New rain clouds hung heavy above my head. I should think about moving locations if I wanted to stay dry. Today was only day ten and I was exhausted. I just stood in the middle of an empty street with a baseball bat. What a very depressing sight to see. 

Day ten of what, you many ask. Well the world has gone to absolute shit in these ten painful days.  On day one, there was chaos in the streets as zombified humans mulled through them. The initial shock of the attack had worn off, but I was just finding out how hard it was to survive on my own.

With a sigh, I picked up my "military grade" backpack from the ground by my feet. Inside it was random things I grabbed before I had to flee my house. I was lucky to make it out alive. I trudged though the bleak, deserted streets. I've ended up with too much time to think. 'What has happened to Will? And Techno? And Phil? And Tubbo?' I sighed.

 'I don't know how good any of them are at surviving.' All of us be able to survive in a block game, but real life is much different. I was just walking with no purpose at this point. What was I supposed to do? I sometimes convinced myself I was looking for civilization. Maybe like a base sort of thing. I had yet to see another person since...  the whole world fell apart. 

I was suddenly torn from my thoughts when I felt a trickle of rain on my blonde hair. I let out a long, heavy sigh and began to run, searching for the nearest and safest building. I saw a Tesco just a little bit ahead of me. I ran to the doors and stood in front of them, expecting them to slide open. I face palmed, realizing that that was stupid. I pried apart the two glass doors and shut them behind me. The rain was now pouring down, making the empty streets look even sadder. I decided that this was a good time to scavenge for supplies. My phone was dying and I hadn't grabbed a battery pack on my way out, so maybe there was one around here. I rummaged though my bag and decided what I needed and what I didn't. I kept my flashlight, pocket knife (recently stolen), first aid kit (that was running out of items in it), lighter, and a few extra clothes. I decided that I needed something other than canned beans in my bag, so I put those on the floor. 

"Well this shit just sucks." I suddenly spat out. My life was spiraling from no human contact. I needed some one to talk to. I felt so alone all the time. Who knows when I'll find new people? Or maybe I'll become one of the undead before that happens. I walked up and down random isles. I didn't really have to hurry with my "shopping". As far as I could tell, there nothing else in the store with me. I arrived at a hardware isle. I spotted some nails and a hammer. I thought of all those zombie apocalypse games I played. Some one always had a bat with nails in it. I picked up a box of 100 nails and chose a heavy looking hammer. I wondered to the furniture section and placed the bat onto one of the tables. I forcefully tore open the box of nails and poured them onto the table. I adjusted my grip of the hammer and scanned over my bat. I though for a little about how I was going to go about this. I eventually decided to lean the bat over the edge of the table while keeping a firm grip on it. I had put about 20 nails into it when it looked like enough. I put the hammer in my bag, thinking about it's possible uses. I dragged my newly decorated bat with me as I continued to look for supplies. 

There was suddenly the sound of the screeching doors being opened. I brought my bat up to my shoulder, ready to swing. I shuffled down the isle as quite as possible. 

"Go have a look around and see if you can find some canned goods! It looks like someone was in here before us." An oddly familiar American voice said. 

"M'kay, I'm going down the pasta section to see if there's any Ramen we can take!" Shouted another American voice that sounded nearby the other American.

"I'll go look in the canned goods section..." Sighed a British accented voice. There were three people. Their voices were so familiar, I just can't put my finger on why. Something suddenly clicked in my head. I realized that these people could be dangerous. Who knows what their intentions are? The fight would be three (possibly fully-armed) adults versus a sixteen year old boy with a bat. I kept my bat with a tight grip, ready to strike at anytime. I was trying to be as quite as possible, flinching at every squeak or rustle I made. The entrance was now in sight. I debated making a run for it, hoping whoever was there would be too busy to try and catch me.

But my stomach dropped as I heard footsteps coming around the corner, heading right towards me. The figure rounded the corner, not paying enough attention to notice me at first. I wasn't about to let them notice me, though. They were basically walking into me when I struck them in the side of the face without thinking. I tried to use the side with less nails, since they were clearly human. The man cried out in pain, probably alerting the two others he was with. I suddenly felt the fear seep in as I ran the opposite direction of the exit, hoping to confuse the enemies. I rounded another corner, running blindly down an isle. I could hear footsteps all around me, almost like paranoia. "Stop!" I heard someone yell from behind me. 

"No!" I simply yelled back. I turned down another isle only to see a figure with a gun a few less than a few meters ahead of me. I skidded to a halt as I trained my eyes solely on the gun. I turned to run the other was but there was a man holding a knife. My chest heaved as I stood in the middle of, waiting to be shot or something. 

"Sapnap, Dream! What the hell? Why didn't you come get me first?" The British accent came from behind the gunman. 'Wait.' I suddenly paused to think. 'Sapnap... Dream?'

"George?" I asked hesitantly, looking to the figure behind the gunman. The others looked at me in shock.

"Tommy?" Asked one of the Americans from behind me. It suddenly clicked. It was the Dream Team! THE Dream Team! I turned to the man behind me.

"Dream!" I yelled, too happily. Man I really missed people.

A/N: I'm going to try to update this every other Saturday (this just sounds good in my head), but we'll just have to see how school goes. I'm also going to say it again, THERE WILL BE NO SHIPPING IN THIS BOOK. I kinda don't care if you ship anyone in this book (except the literal MINORS), but they're real people and their choices should be respected. Anyways, if you have any suggestions on what should happen, could you drop a comment? It would really help me out~! Have a wonderful day and stay hydrated!

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