Chapter Two: The Dream Team

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Trigger Warning: Tiny bit of blood, cursing, and I think that's it :)

-Dream's Point of View- 

~Before entering the store~

I pulled a the sleeves of my green hoodie. I had just picked up some heavy duty gloves recently. They were just to handle glass and rugged concrete, but they looked cool so now I wore them all the time. My green eyes shifted over to George who was just sitting on the floor, staring off into space. Sapnap had gone outside to "get some alone time". He told us he would be safe, but it was hard not to worry now. Sapnap, George, and I had made a small camp in an abandoned café. We had put tarps on the windows so no one could see in. We were originally going to board them up, but the city was so quite we knew it would draw attention to us. Our make shift home was dark and felt cold. But this is what we had as of now. 

"Hey, guys," Sapnap said as he entered the door and shut it behind him, "I think we need to go for a supply run, we're running out of food." I couldn't argue with that. We tried to ration our food as best as possible, but I think I would stab something if I had to eat one more can of soup. 

"I think there's a Tesco a couple blocks from here, you guys wanna go there?" Asked George. Sap and I have no clue what a Tesco is, but I'm assuming that it's like a Costco. 

"Sounds good, let's leave some stuff here so we can grab as much as possible." I said, standing up. George and Sap nodded and they went over to their bags to get ready. I pulled out a few items, such as the journal I recently started and other random objects, and placed them on a table. I swung the bag over my shoulder and strapped my handgun to my waist. I also placed my knife into it's carrier on the other side of my waist. I turned to Sap and George who were already ready.

George carried a knife on his side along with several small throwing knives. He wore a basic grey hoodie and jeans. Sap, on the other hand, carried a shotgun and had extra ammo strapped to the sides of his jeans. He also wore a grey hoodie and jeans. They both carried bags to collect any items we would find at the store.

"Ready?" I asked them as I lifted my hand to the door handle. 

"Yes sir!" Said Sap. George and I rolled our eyes.

"Sure." Said George with his arms crossed. I pushed the door open and felt the cold, crisp air hit my face. 'Onwards, to victory!' I thought sarcastically as I looked at the empty, grey streets. 

~Time Skip~

I opened the door to the Tesco. I looked around a bit, making sure there was no danger in the store. It had started raining as we went into the store. I opened the two glass doors enough for one person to fit through. The doors were awfully loud, screeching as I pushed them apart.  

I looked down at the ground, noticing a few random cans of beans by the front door. "Go have a look around and see if you can find some canned goods! It looks like someone was in here before us." I said as Sapnap and George started walking around. 

"M'kay, I'm going down the pasta section to see if there's any Ramen we can take!" Sap shouted as he walked away. 

"I'll go look in the canned goods section..." Sighed George. I turned to look for a hardware isle, hoping to find something of use there. 

It had probably been less than a minute when I heard a thud and George cry out. I turned to the sound of the noise, my mind suddenly racing. I ran down the isles, hoping to suddenly find George. I noticed a red and white blur suddenly rush out from an isle in front of me. Without thinking, I started chasing them, maybe looking for answers to why they hit George. "Stop!" I yelled to the back of their head.

"No!" The person yelled back. They had a British accent and sounded about sixteen. They suddenly took a sharp turn down a random isle. I turned the corner to see Sap pointing his gun at a child. The kid turned to me but looked up in surprise as he noticed my presence. I had my knife out, just in case the kid tried to attack. 

"Sapnap, Dream! What the hell? Why didn't you come get me first?" Said a very annoyed George from behind Sapnap. He held the side of his face as blood tricked down the side of his head. The kid suddenly looked to George. There was a pause between all of us.

"George?" He asked hesitantly. We all looked at the blonde in shock.

"Tommy?" I asked as he turned to me. His face lit up.

"Dream!" He yelled in excitement. 'Well Tommy sure has changed.' Was the first thought that appeared in my head. 

"Tommy, how have you survived this long?" Asked Sapnap as he lowered his gun. Tommy just shrugged.

"Also," said George, "why are you all the way in Brighton, don't you live like, hours away from here?" Asked George skeptically. Tommy looked at the ground nervously. 

"I-I've just been walking. I'm looking for a makeshift civilization. I don't know what else to do..." He sighed. It made sense, he was just looking for somewhere safe. At the same time, was he actually looking for civilization, or was he looking for familiar faces? 

"Well, you can stay with us if you'd like." I said solemnly. Tommy just looked at the ground. He was probably considering his options. He looked to George and Sap with a sigh.

"I can't. Sorry Dream, having more people is just too dangerous, you can't keep track of all of us." Tommy said, almost monotone. He just walked past George and Sap without another word. He just left us behind and continued looking for supplies. I looked at George and Sap, who looked slightly suspired that Tommy didn't take my offer. "Alight guys, let's just keep looking for supplies." I sighed, George and Sap nodded.

~Time Skip~

Sapnap, George, and I returned to the café. We had picked up plenty of supplies, now we just had to ration everything. I just sat on the floor, thinking about why Tommy just said no. 'Was he really safe by himself?' I thought. I would never know for sure, now that he was just... gone. 

"Dream?" George suddenly said wearily. I looked up at him. He stood by a window with the tarp moved slightly to the side. He stepped aside as I looked out the window. 

There were tons of them. All over the streets. 'What? Where did they come from?' I thought frantically. "Grab as much as you can, we have to move out of the city." I said sternly. George and Sap nodded as they gathered as many items as possible. I gripped my gun as I watched the hoards slowly trek by in front of the café. I looked back to George and Sap who were ready, also holding their weapons. I pressed my finger up to my lips and turned to open the door. I clicked it open as silently as possible. "Run!" I yelled to Sap and George, unfortunately grabbing the attention of the undead. We booked it down the street. 

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