Chapter 3

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The evening was quite eventful. I had gone into the therapist’s office and I think I was late for my appointment too. I got in and I surprisingly had forgotten my own name. And then the therapist turned around on her chair and stood up.

And soon, she started screaming at me and I was shocked. Full on red eyed, veined-neck type of anger. Her hair was messed up and her face making distorting shapes I had never seen before. She started to yell and make gestures but I never heard her voice. In fact, the room was very silent with her in the middle.

She came closer and closer but it only semed like she was growing bigger and I, tinier. I wanted to run but my feet felt glued to the ground all of a sudden. Soon I felt my legs again. Was this a test? Was this something that happened often in therapy?
My heart was racing and I began to make my way for the door. Then I couldn’t find it. The room started to look like a dark mist. Soon the door appeared and I ran faster than my legs could carry me. As soon as I made it out, the door refused to be shut. Instead, it felt like I was being dragged back in and I had to-

“Wake up…wake up..wake up ma’am” I jilted awake scaring both myself and the waiter. I rub my eyes continuously till I remember I’m at the ice cream shop. I must have fallen asleep.

My heart had shredded into a million pieces with nothing to put them together again. I try to breathe once more and check my phone while I run my hand through my hair. It’s already 2! Quickly, I rush out of the shop and straight to the hospital. All hell will break loose if that woman got there before I did.

I checked from a distance and her car wasn’t there yet. A heavy sign of relief as I hysterically wipe an invisible sweat while patting myself on the back. I plug my headphones in and decide to stroll back. I was on my phone and distracted because I soon bumped into someone at the entrance of the hospital.

“I’m so sorry..uhm..” gesturing for her to say her name.


“Adanna” and we shook hands. It got a little awkward after that but I was saved by the horn because my mother got there in time.

“How was therapy today?” she said while leaning to unlock the door.

“Great” I responded

“But you weren’t here for-” Jo says confused.

“For long!” I quickly cut in “Yes, I know, I’ll have your number instead” I took the number quickly and signaled for her to please keep shut.

I  couldn’t sleep throughout the night and I didn’t know why. Ordinarily, I would be the one pleading for the sleep to leave my eyes. I rolled out of bed literally, till my body hit rock bottom, I mean the floor. I dragged my feet to the bathroom, took a bath, brushed my teeth, and got dressed. In summary, everything you do in the morning.

“Knock knock” I heard my mum say
I was already unbothered because I was trying to fix my hair’s situation. If you have virgin hair, I’m sure quite frankly you can relate. She came into the bathroom and offered to help.

“That hair won’t detangle itself” she said mockingly, while relaxing on the door frame.


Even though my ‘okay’ seemed like I didn’t care what it is that she did. I was very happy that she had offered to help me. She had such a beautiful smile because I could see it through the mirror.

“You have really full hair!” she giggles, “so dark" she combs again. "Everyone says you look like me. I couldn’t see it up until now. In your relaxed state. And your eyes are really brown too. You must get that from your father” she smiles again.

I know she said it to reassure me I had a father. Beats me. How else would I have been born?

I was going to cut her short, pick a fight, but this time, I didn’t have the strength. I actually just wanted to listen to her talk. Soon she was done detangling the hair and she patted me on the back, smiled and walked out.

“Come down for breakfast” her voice echoed from the stairs.

I came down and she received a call. She seemed very worried and honestly I couldn’t understand why. I wasn’t bothered though.

I even wanted to excuse myself to my room but she insisted I go back to my seat. I didn’t even need anyone to tell me, her face already told me, if I moved, I’ll be dead in seconds. She finally ended the call.

“Why haven’t you been attending therapy?” she tapped her fingers on the kitchen table.

“The question should be does the therapist need therapy? Because I’ve been there all week” I threw my hands up as if surrendering, “just saying” and giggled walking towards the living room while trying to pick up the remote.

“You think this is a joke? All of this is a joke to you?”

“Yeah, pretty much”

She lets out a very angered laugh.

“You think the world owes you a favour for some reason. You think I owe you anything” with emphasis on 'I' she had made air quotations around, “you ungrateful-"

“I’m getting really uncomfortable, last I checked, it’s bad for my mental health.” I said sarcastically with a toothy grin.

“Last I checked, I sent you to therapy for that” she said with her hands at akimbo, “you’re going to regret all of this, someday, somehow, and it wont be pleasant. Don’t go to therapy. Don’t do anything I tell you to do. Live life! You won’t be the end of me.”

She’s already in tears and she waves her hand in the air as if saying, she can’t do all of this. She talks to herself under her breath and leaves the house.

Don't look at me you guyssss! I also thought she was changing. Oh well, comment and vote.

I think I might post once every week? That sounds good.

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