Ιn the name of love!

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What happens when The Shield gets to meet the team of PCB?

When the WWE company decided let members of the independent wrestling join in, feelings were mixed for most who were in roster. Some reacted with delight to the news. to some it was indifferent. And some others didn't like the idea at all. Seth Rollins, for example. The leader of Shield didn't like having intruders in his home. Intruders that's what he believed they are. Unlike his friend Dean, who didn't care about it,, and Roman, who didn't think it was that tragic. For the last two years, Shield. has been the most powerful card of the WWE. Until the moment when the day of the draft, the PCB team made its debut.

Paige is a woman of tremendous confidence and intense personality. Big fan of Dean Ambrose. No body knows almost nothing about her. Only what she wants them to know. 

Charlotte. A dynamic and at the same time a wounded woman who strives to keep her identity diligently secret. With a hurt heart and a difficult past

And Becky. The Irish redhead who, as she said, came to realize her dreams. Sweet and powerful and at the same time so sensitive.

Dean who will be fascinated by his fan and the mystery surrounding her. He will want to discover every aspect of her life trying to forget the cruel past that follows him.

Roman the sensible and friendly with everyone, with a troubled life . Closed character and away from the rest of roster. He will strongly support Charlotte when her secrets are revealed and will be fascinated not only by her beauty but also by her strength.

Seth, the team leader. Who doesn't like that suddenly 3 unrelated women will invade his space. Seth who wants to look tough and distant when in reality he's the opposite. He will be in troube and fights with the Irish redhead of the PCB and for the first time will be fascinated by her carelessness, independence and stubbornness.

Mystery, intrigues, passions, mistakes, secrets, lies. Love. IN 

 Love in the ring!

Stay tuned because soon this story will be here! I hope you liked the description 

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