The Christmas flight!

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It was that morning that their lives would change for ever...

Businessman Seth Rollins was enjoying his winter cruise, accompanied from his fiancée, his best friend Roman and his fiancée, and Roman's half-sister , Aliyah.. Until everything changed when because of the bad weather they were stranded in snowy Ireland..

Murphy's local caffe near the airport was open to offer hot drinks to eliminate the cold.. And that's what Seth and his company needed until they could travel from Ireland to their destination Vienna to celebrate Christmas.

The friendly environment, the beautiful Christmas decoration, the warmth environment  and the kindness of the owner made them feel immediately comfortable.. By the time Murphy's sister came up from the store room.. Becky.. When she left their order on the table their looks met.. He couldn't believe his eyes.. In front of him stood Becky the woman who had left 5 years ago a few days before their wedding.. And this was only the beginning of a series of surprises for Seth that would have no end. 

Sooo I came up with this yesterday.. What you all thing about it? Do you want to find out more? Let me know on the comments below! And if you have a title to suggest feel free!

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