Song: Capital letters - Hailee Steinfeld.
Be happy at the moment, that's enough...
Each moment is all we need not more.
- Mother Teresa.***************************
Third POV.
Anaya came back and take her sit in front of Arjun who was still in his thoughts.
"Ahem.....did I miss something?"
Her voice brings him back. He raises his eyebrow at her,
"You didn't even realize I came back....everything OK...."
He was still thinking about Abhi's role in Anaya's life. But now didn't want to spoil their dinner. He immediately said,
"Well dinner is server let's have it...hmm"
She immediately nods and looks at the table, her smile flattered looking at the dish,
A freaking salad dish....!
She looked at his plate and found Chicken with a lemon herb sauce. She frowns but didn't say anything.
Arjun looks in her direction and said,
"What happens...any problem..."
Problem....ohh, he didn't just ask that,
" Where is my dish...." She said narrowing her eyes at him.
"Miss. Gill, I think you have some problem in your eyes...your salad is in front of you, have it..."
"Salad....what am I a COW....that I will eat leaf.....while you will have a full course meal...."
Arjun chokes in his wine...what.
"What...but I thought women only eat these things......I mean most of the......"Arjun tries to reason out.
"Exactly most women. Not me I eat a full course meal. Women you are associated with may eat these things but not me....." She was hell angry and hungry.
Arjun was taken back by her anger. Ok, he should have asked her about her preference. But till now whichever woman he took out they only order a salad or some low-calorie diet food. But she...
He chuckles looking at her angry face.
A Cow....!
"OK, so let's order something else for you....or you can share mine...I don't mind either."
"No, it's fine. I'm vegan, I don't eat non-vegetarian food..."
Arjun was shocked, well that was a piece of news to him. He still has to know a lot about her.
Anaya think of something and stood from her chair, Arjun was looking at her confusingly,
"Get up..."
"What..." He whispers yelling at her.
"Come on get up....let me treat you today....and trust me you will love that place."
She almost yells in excitement, Arjun gives her are you serious look. But she ignore him and seeing no moment from his side she took his hand and try to pull him to stand. And not to make any scene Arjun stand up sighting.
This girl...!
They clear the bill and went out he immediately dials Ron's number and ask him to bring the car.
When Ron park the car before them and Anaya immediately instructs Ron to take them to the place she told him. Ron looks at his boss for approval but his boss was busy looking at Anaya with a soft affectionate gaze, he understood that he has to follow her command today. They start their small journey all the while Anaya was busy telling him about the food they serve and how in college days her brother took her there a few times.

Our Unfinished Love. ✔
RomanceIt is the story of love, passion, Obsession. Everything ends between them but still something is "Unfinished"....... She doesn't ask any explanation and walks out of his life. His every explanation remained " Unfinished" as he let her walk out. Stor...