Song:- Rehnuma.
True love doesn't need proof...
The eyes told the truth...*********************************
Third POV.
Such a whore...
Slut should be punished...
She had heard that.....
When she reach downstairs....she heard yelling from the sitting area..when she reach there Shruti was questioning her character.....and no one was defending her virtue....tears were falling constantly from her eyes..she was tired...
Why always her...
Every false accusation was put on her....she was punished for something she never did...
A sob left her mouth...
She was running to an unknown place....why does it hurt that he was just standing there saying nothing....was it that he too believe she characterless in his eyes too...
Why does it hurt that he was quietly listening to every accusation put on here.....she ran as fast as she could, tripping over she was about to fall when a strong arm pull her by her waist...
"'re crazy, what if you hurt yourself...." He yell at her....he was so concerned when she ran away...if only he could kill that bastard Viraj...
"Leave me....let me go....yes I'm let me go...I don't want to be here...." She wiggled in his hold, right now she need to be alone.....they all disgusted her at this moment...
"Never.....hey....look at me....look..." He cup her right cheek and made her look at him...he saw how vulnerable she was looking...there is no life in her eyes....for this he hate Viraj more...
"Listen to me and listen to good.....nothing....and I mean nothing will change the way I look at you.....I trust you no matter what.....He is a bastard and that Shruti is a me on this baby....I'll make each one of them pay for the nonsense they said about you...and the sin they did by questioning your character...that Viraj will see his end...that is your husband's try to damage your reputation.....I'll fuck their lives...." He was seething in rage....her every tear...every sob is igniting a fire in him...
"Why me...I did...I didn't do me please....he is lying....she is lying...I'm not who....." Her words die down and a sob left her mouth she hold his shoulder for support.....
"I don't have to prove anything to anyone...if they try to touch a hair of you...I will kill them...shh...that's your husband's promise, Anaya...I know how pure, innocent you are.....don't say rubbish for come let me take you to our room....." He scoop her in his arm...she encircle her arm around him..he start walking looking ahead..but...she was starring at him all the time..the man who forced her to marry him...the man who threatened he the same?....he protected her....supported her....who is he...
"You trust me...." She whisper weakly....shill looking at was like she was seeking assurance...her innocent eyes were begging him...
"With my dead heart baby......nothing can change the way I look and trust you....." Saying that he kissed her forehead...she close her eyes but again looks at him...
When he went to his chamber Krish and Aashi were standing outside... they saw them coming and rush to them....sighting Krish said,
"Arjun....she is OK right...." Arjun just nodded without looking at them and went in...

Our Unfinished Love. ✔
RomanceIt is the story of love, passion, Obsession. Everything ends between them but still something is "Unfinished"....... She doesn't ask any explanation and walks out of his life. His every explanation remained " Unfinished" as he let her walk out. Stor...