what just happened!?

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"Two broken ribs and a broken shin."

Entrapta and adora look down at the unconscious catra who is laying down on one of the many small beds in the massive ship.

"Okay" adora takes a deep breath before gently pressing her forehead against catras. They begin to glow together as entrapta focuses on her keypad.
" that did it, now we need to let her rest" entrapta caresses adora's hand
"She'll be fine, just let her rest now" entrapta leaves the room. Adora gazes at catras face
"She looks so peaceful" adora stays there for a moment before exiting to the main room.
Glimmer is on the floor rehydration while bow soothes her back. The rest of the princesses await adoras arrival.

"Ooh, adora's back!" Scorpia and the other princesses join at a large round table.
Bow starts the meeting

" so what do we have so far"

" he calls himself hordon, he's a horde clone" entrapta answers

" that's not possible, horde prime doesn't name his clones" perfuma interjects
" he's taunting us" adora comments

" wait, horde prime's alive?"

"I don't know yet, he could've just got lost in outer space" entrapta reassuring the group
" that explains the rough landing" adora tries to piece the situation together

"All I know is that guy is mean and is comin after you, blondie" scorpia walks over to the window

" and it looks like he has no sign of stopping... whoops, nevermind"

The team all rush to the window to see hordon stopped in his tracks. Staring at the ship till it disappears. The princesses all turn to entrapta for an answer

"Aww, d-don't worry, I-I left a tracking device" the group sighs in relief.

"Listen up" the princesses all turn to glimmer who has mostly recovered from her exhaustion.

" this hordon could possibly be the greatest threat on etheria we have ever faced. So lets work together and figure out a way to stop this thing before it's too late." Glimmer puts her hand on entrapta's shoulder

" entrapta, I know we're all stressing you but your the only one right now we can rely on for guidance" entraptas heart warmth grows at this statement.

"Its okay, I'm having as much fun as anyone. PLUS! I thinking might have a theory on how to defeat hordon."

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