not now

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Hours passed as the group set up the contraption that will hopefully destroy hordon. The crew is almost exhausted from no sleep and slowly drag themselves to their own quarters.

Catra climbs into the horde bed and almost immediately begins to toss and turn and gives up after a few moments of endlessly rustling. The door to her room slowly opens to reveal adora in a raggedy night gown. She inches her way to the bed and quickly pecks at catras lips. Catra is flustered by this as adora slowly pushes her down and straddles her. Adora starts by giving gentle kisses and rubbing her nose against catras neck, which gives her a tingly feeling.

"Adora w-what are you doing?" Catra can barely speak.

"This is what you wanted, back at the cabin, right?" Adora gives catra a vulnerable expression. Catras heart begins to burn as adora starts caressing her Body while passionately kissing her chest.

"A-adora y-you can't because if hordon comes he'l---------!"

The interaction is post poned as they both jump out of bed at the large crash outside their door. They turn to see hordon standing outside the doorway. Wristblade attached.

"Kill shera"

Catra quickly grabs a disk shaped device and flings it at hordons face, Temporarily blinding him. Adora slides the door shut and begins to barricade it with anything she can find. She presses her back against it to prevent hordon from entering the room.

"Catra, I'm so sorry, this is all my fault"

Catra head to the control pad that is attached to the wall and connects to the intercom.

"Hordon's here, everyone get out to the main room and get in to position." Catra turns to adora. "It's okay adora, I forgive you"

Hordon finally busts through only to realize that he has been juked and quickly ensues adora and catra, smashing everything in his past. They enter the main room but all he can hear is the sound of sonar piercing his ears. With that moment of vulnerable, the princesses all pile on top of him. Bow swoop in and with his rusty horde dagger, quickly chips away at hordons armor. once he acquired large enough chunk of hordons armor plates, he places it into a small glass box that's attached to the large gauntlet that catra found in the ravine. Hordon escapes the grip of the princesses a charges at adora but is interupted by a slash of the armored claw wielded by catra, which is now surging with energy. Hordon, realizing the noticeable damage done to his face,  turn his attention to catra. She turns out to be too quick for hordon as she repeated deals blows by the gauntlet to his ribs, arms, and legs. Catra circles around to hordons rear and begins to tear up his spine. This enraged hordon as he aggressively snatches the gauntlet, and catra with it. Catra, realizing she is in the fierce unescapable grip as before, struggles to break free but to no avail. Hordon tightens his grip which makes catra yelp in pain. The gauntlet crumbles along with catras hand. Shera swoops in and starts slashing at the horde clone until his grasp on catra ceases.
Hordon makes his retreat leaving the ship in terrible condition. Glimmer, noticing the ship crumbling around them, teleports everyone down to the forest below. A wave of exhaustion and disbelief rush over them.

"What was that?!"

" its like we weren't even there to him" perfuma says in a worried. She, glimmer, and frosta begin to bicker when catra speaks up

"It doesn't matter, all that matters is that we know how to be--!" She is unable to finish her statement before collapsing to the ground.
"Catra!" Adora rushes over to catra who is panting heavily and starts cradling her in her arms. Entrapta rushes over and starts analyzing catra's condition.

"Oooooh yeah, she's definitely the most exhausted of all of us" entrapta says in a low tone
Adora holds catra close to her and gently plants a kiss on her forehead. They begin to shine a bright golden color. Catra slowly opens her eyes

"H-hey ador-ow" catra feels a sharp pain in her hand as she moves it towards adoras cheek"

"You might wanna not move that haand that was crushed into a million pieces"

"Okay, like catra said, we know how to defeat hordon now.
Number 1! He has a battery
Number 2! He can be damaged
And number 3! We surely should never ever ever fight him in a compact room ever again!" Glimmers speech gives everyone some much needed enthusiasm but is lost by overwhelming exhaustion, including glimmer. " okay! It is obviously apparent that we all need some rest, so I think our next plan of action is to set camp in a ship that hordon can't break into" glimmer signals to entrapta who becomes overjoyed"

"Awwww, Darla!"

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