5 - The Musketeers

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The lunch break was about to end soon. I managed to get the idea of Marinette's schedule, I riffled "The three musketeers" and I ate lunch without any blunder. I agreed with Tikki a plan that she would pinch me every time I acted not like the character I embodied.

Before I went back to school I asked my kwami if we should inform Plagg about these temporary inconvenience, but Tikki decided not to. In her opinion that would make the situation even more complicated. Personally, I had rather positive opinion on Plagg but I thought that Tikki had know him for a few thousand years longer than me...

I entered the school at the moment of school bell ringing. This time it was planned – just to avoid chatting with my friends. It was too risky for my real identity.

"So? Have you managed to read the book?" Alya asked me while we were heading to the staircase.

"I riffled through. I'll try to stay invisible..." I muttered.

"I like the book so much!" Adrien joined us. "Such a lively plot, so many surprises..."

"You must be joking! That was terrible! Those descriptions..." Nino commented. "I was bored to death..."

"Impossible!" Adrien disagreed. "So many plot twists, duels, chases..."

"Love affairs..." I added under my breath.

"Love affairs, yes..." my ex-almost-boyfriend nodded. "Right... There were some..." he chuckled uncomfortable and ruffled his hair.

"I think that morality wasn't their strong suit." I blurted before I bit my tongue. There still was more Lena than Marinette in my behaviour.

"Why do you think so?" Alya laughed.

"Look at d'Artagnan..." I continued, because if I started I should finish. "First, he fell in love with someone else's wife. OK, I get it, heart wants what it wants... But her... She reciprocated despite the fact she'd already been married!"

"With an old guy!" Alya exclaimed.

"But she married him, didn't she?"

"Constance wasn't a musketeer." Adrien cut in.

"Right." I nodded. "But I was talking about d'Artagnan. He was so in love with Constance, yet it didn't stop him from an affair with Milady..."

"Femme fatale..." Adrien muttered.

I smiled to myself when I thought what would happen if he blurted out Cat Noir's famous 'M'Lady'... He must have had strong self-control not to reveal his superhero-self.

"When I'm listening you guys, I'm starting thinking if we've read the same book..." Nino commented.

Alya and I began laughing. The situation was hilarious, indeed, and it only showed how differently we experienced the novel. And that was something I loved so much in reading!

"I'm so happy you haven't found there those love affairs!" Alya winked at her boyfriend. "Who knows what would inspire you or..."

"Never!" Nino denied immediately and glared at her.

"Good!" she summed up the discussion and hugged him, but I could bet that she wanted to kiss him.

I felt uncomfortable. I remembered from the show that AlyaNino was only mentioned sometimes. I loved all subtle hints about their relationship like this one with Nino invited for a family diner with the Cesaires. I appreciated the moment when Alya took Nino's hand – I found it so meaningful but still delicate. Now, I had an impression that they would start making out if they weren't in the classroom... That didn't fit my image of their relationship.

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