Chapter Twenty Two - "You didn't say yes, but you didn't say no, either."

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(Jourdan is in the sidebar) (Mine by Beyonce was literally in my head the entire writing of this chapter, so I'll leave that song in the sidebar as well)

School is literally the next day, and I am still not prepared for it. This is my senior year of high school. I'm the alpha of the school now, after years of being at the bottom. I'm excited about the power shift, even though I technically held power last year too. But now, the power is literally all mine.

I'm also petrified because I have to start applying to colleges and possibly face rejections, and I clearly don't do well with rejection, romantic or academic. I went over my grades before the summer let us free from the hellhole we call our school, and my grades were pretty good.

I wasn't top-ten-of-my-class-smart, but I wasn't anywhere near being dead last either. I was average and, as far as I know, average grades can get me into college. Now I just need to join a club and ask for letters of recommendation, and I'm gold.

It's 2pm when I decide to get out of bed, realizing I won't be in bed this late for a long time once school starts back up, and get some food downstairs without even bothering to put my pants on. I'm wearing those giant boxers so it's not like anything is showing so it's like I'm wearing them with all the freedom included. I didn't realize there were people over, so when I came downstairs I just heard noise in the living room.

Bryce has the TV set to Sesame Street (I can't believe that show is still on), and behind him are Steph and Jourdan dead asleep on each other. I don't understand how this noise hasn't woken any of them up. I'd be murdering Bryce right now if that were me. I do them a courtesy and turn the TV down a nudge and go back to the kitchen.

Yes, Jourdan is still in the picture and is still, very actively, dating my sister. Yeah, I was pissed when he told me he was the one messing with Craig that ultimately got me my first broken heart, but I also know he wasn't the only one at fault, and that he was in the dark about Craig and I being a thing. I'm actually way less mad at Jourdan because he thought Craig was single, and now knowing how shady Craig can be, I believe him saying he didn't know.

I asked him a dozen and a half questions in an half an hour span. How he knew Craig, the extent of their relationship, all the hard-hitting bitter ex-boyfriend questions. He answered them pretty honestly, which I respect. He was the guy Craig liked before he moved away, but Jourdan was straight (at the time of course) so it never went anywhere.

When Craig came back, everything clicked into place. But then Craig started messing with other guys (shocker) and Jourdan didn't like that so he refused to formally date him, which is probably why he didn't tell him about me. If Craig did, he wouldn't have gotten his best of both worlds fantasy. We're both idiots, me more than him.

I forgave Jourdan very easily, but I made him tell my sister as my idiotic way of intimidation. I actually thought he wouldn't bother, but he did and I felt really bad. Steph (being my sibling) sided with me immediately and almost dumped him right there and then for what he did.

After explaining to her my lack of rage toward him, his ignorance caused by man-whore and how he's not as guilty as she made it seem. I'm never doing something like that again; that's just mean. He almost lost all the color in his face.

If they ever break up, it'll be because one of them screwed it up, not me and definitely not Craig.  I actually like them together, as odd as that sounds. Her last boyfriend from like 6 months ago, who I'm never allowed to mention since dad would kill her, wasn't really the best guy she could have gotten involved with. I just hope for her sake Jourdan isn't a waste of space. I don't think he is, but that's what I thought about dimwit, too.

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