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Shawn was sitting on a couch and looking at the photographs, sam had taken from the senorita music video. It was a day after they have completed the shooting of music video. Shawn couldn't be more thankful cuz the mv really helped him in getting closer to Camila. At first she was hesitant and shy but he tried his best to make her at ease. They hadn't stopped texting each other since the shoot.

"Wow!!!" Shawn said with wide eyes. He didn't believe how hot they were looking as a couple. He couldn't help but blush while seeing photos again and again.

"Looks like Shawn is really falling for this girl" Sam said gesturing at Shawn.

"Falling..haha..he has already fallen so have no idea bro" Connor told him.

"Come on guys... don't start again.. lemme enjoy this moment" Shawn said in annoyance but couldn't get angry on them cuz he was so happy to do so.

"Wait what's going guys have a story to tell" sam was one of the Shawn's old friend and knew something is cooking while taking their pictures on the set but didn't say anything. He thought Shawn was falling in love with the girl but didn't know he was already in love with her. As a photographer he didn't need to tell them how to act, they were already acting as lovers.

"Of course..and now when the story is getting towards it's deserve to hear the impossible love story of our Romeo" Brian said in the most dramatic way on which Shawn just gave a laugh and leaned on the couch.

(A/N: sam in this chapter is not the same one from previous chapter. This sam is Shawn's friend, a professional photographer)


Hailey parked her car and smash the door in anger. She was angry on Shawn cuz he was neither replying to  her texts nor attending her calls and She realised he had blocked her number. She called Brian too but he told her that he was busy. She tried to meet him on his set but no one was willing to disclose his location. He didn't tell her that where he had rented an apartment in LA, so she decided to do it on her own way. As soon as she came to know where he was staying, she drove her car straight to his place. Her anger for Shawn wasn't for breaking up with her but for rejecting her. How dare he rejected Hailey Baldwin on phone and then blocked her number. Her ego wasn't able to digest that.

She was about to ring the doorbell but then she thought, he'd probably won't open the door for her. So she decided to attack him without him knowing and made her way around the house and reached at the backyard. She checked the door but it wasn't open. Luckily a window right in the kitchen near to it's door was open, so she opened the door by inserting her one of the arm inside the window. She stepped in the house like a theif and started walking out of the kitchen but stopped when she heard some manly voices. She moved to the direction of voices and stopped in the doorway of the drawing room where she could see Brian, standing in between the room. She was about to crack in when she listened Sam's voice and didn't move further.

"So you are telling me that Shawn fell in love with that girl years ago and now he had found her.....unbelievable!!! Man... Like really our egoistic, party animal Shawn Mendes can go that far for an ordinary's fuckin unbelievable" sam said extremely amazed by Shawn's love story.

"She is not an ordinary girl should know that..Shawn Mendes don't go for any ordinary things" Shawn told sam with proud. Hailey was confused which girl they were talking about but was curious to know more about the story.

"Yeah Yeah!!!" Sam shrugged "but it's really quite impressive how you find her and then made her part of your new project so you could date her....she didn't know...did she?" He asked further.

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