Pride over Love (Part 1)

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Camila was sitting in Roger's office with extremely anxious face. Roger had scolded her for the incident that happened at last night but she didn't feel sorry for doing that. She thought he deserved the slap and stood her ground, blaming Richard and every person involved in that plan of fooling her. Little did she feel sorry for what Shawn would have to face but she clearly declared that there was no way she's going to let down herself accepting her mistake when it wasn't her mistake at all. Therefore Roger arranged this meeting, so that both parties would resolve that issue. Shawn of course was joining them and she wasn't ready to face him yet. She was biting her lower lip with anxiety when she heard the sound of the door so she turned to see who was it.

"Camila if you aren't busy..I can talk to you?" Brian asked her hoping that she'll agree.

"Umm..are you alone?" She wasn't planning to do so but she was expecting Shawn to talk to her.

"Yes I am..Shawn didn't come yet" he told her knowing what she wanna know about.

"Ok...I'm not busy" she told him. He made his way to the chair and dragged it in front of her to talk to her face to face.

"Camila..see i know you really not like the way Shawn has approached you" he started.
"But believe me there wasn't a bit of bad intention behind all this... You may have thought that Shawn just wanted to date you cuz of his unfulfilled desire but you don't know the reality"

"Then what's the reality Brian! Just tell me" she said with a bit of anger and curiosity.

"Camila!..Shawn is in love with you" he told her and her jaw dropped.

"What!!..he can't is this even possible.." she exclaimed.

"It is Camila...and not from few weeks, he's in love with you from years now..he fell in love with you since the day he heard you singing at the teen festival in LA...Look!! I know him since we were kids and I haven't seen Shawn ever talking about any girl like he talks about you and not only this, I've seen him crying for you, anxious for you, searching for you like crazy and even writing tons of songs about you" he explained.

"Songs about me?...I.." she was speechless at that point.

"Yes you Camila! were always on his mind" he told her.

"But how can I believe you after what just happened?" she wasn't sure but she wanna believe him so bad.

"I don't's your choice if you wanna believe me or not.... I just couldn't see my friend so heart broken that's why I told you all this otherwise it was a secret for years and probably Shawn wouldn't let me to reveal it to you ever. Even if you'll tell him that I told you everything, we might lose our friendship but I did this..I risked it for the sake of his happiness" he stood up with a sigh.

"I'm not begging you to believe me but at least think about it" he said before leaving Camila with a guilt of breaking someone's heart so bad.


"I fuckin told you... I warned you Andrew to not help him..but both of you were more than willing to dig a hole for yourselves." Gina scolded both Shawn and Andrew making rounds with anger in Roger's office.

"Calm down!! Gina..just sit down, you are giving me anxiety by doing this" Andrew said frowning at her.

"How the fuck I can be calm know how many headlines and phone calls I had to face since last night..."she was really angry. "And you Shawn Mendes!! can't wait to fuck her in private" she spat at Shawn. Camila felt a twist in her stomach on Gina's words. Shawn who was patiently bearing her,gave her a glare and exploded not caring about anyone else in the room.

"Enough Gina!! If I'm listening to you quietly doesn't mean, you can say anything that came out of your fuckin mouth.. I know what I did was wrong but I'm not 1℅ sorry for what I did..I did what I wanted to do at that time and I don't fuckin care about you, media or anyone....just go in hell, I don't give a dam" His words hit Camila straight in her heart and pain was visible on her face. Did he really don't regret the kiss, did he really wanted to kiss her, did Brian was right? She thought to herself and was feeling more than guilty now. She wanted to dig the ground and buried herself in it right there but she couldn't get escape.

"You!! Whatever your name is, I don't wanna know either... you'll have to tell media that whatever happened last night was totally a misunderstanding and you are sorry to Shawn for doing this" Gina said rudely to her after a long pause cuz of Shawn's declaration.

"What!!" She pointed a finger to herself.

"Yes you" Gina told her firmly.

"I...I can't do this and why would I...I am not sorry for whatever I did" she said plainly. Shawn shook his head looking downward with a little smirk on his face which says he knew it. Camila noticed how his smirk was full of disappointment and hurt, a strong feeling of guilt overcame her body again.

"What do you mean...if you'll never do this..I'm gonna take a legal action against you for ruining a reputation of a well reputed famous singer" Gina spat.

"Gina!!" Shawn shouted at his publicist.

"If you wanna do this then do whatever you want...I'll tell everyone how you all played with me" Camila didn't like how she was accusing her.

"But I won't do that..I'll tell media and everyone that it was a misunderstanding but I'm not gonna say sorry to anyone" everyone looked at Camila in disbelief except Shawn who stood up in anger and swiftly went out of the room.


"Hailey!! I'm sorry I'm not feeling good..I'm going home and tonight I just wanna relax" shawn told Hailey on phone as he opened his car door.

"So you are saying that you can't relax in my presence" Hailey said annoyingly.

"What are you talking about..I just want to be alone for only one night" he told her frustratingly.

"Okay...but tell me about that bitch" she asked.

"What??" Shawn didn't know what she was talking about.

"That bitch who slapped your pretty face honey..did she apologise" she said in the most bitchy way. "If I'd be in your place I would've return that slap to that tiny bitch.. what was she thinking when she slapped my boyfriend" she continued.

"I'm driving Hailey..I can't talk anymore and please don't use these kinda words for her again" he said and shut the phone without even listening to her response as he always did. He didn't like when someone especially Hailey said something bad about her. But he couldn't deny the feeling of rage when he heard her name in front of him. The scenes from that embarrassing night came infront of his eyes. His pride took control of his whole body diminishing any kind of delicate emotion he had for Camila.


Camila wasn't feeling well. She was anxious about two things, first was of course facing the media and debunking the rumors and secondly she needed to talk to Shawn or she was never gonna get peace. So there she was standing outside Shawn's house waiting for him to open the door.

"Camila!!" Shawn said in surprise as he opened the door.

"'s me" she said looking down still not ready to face Shawn.

"Is everything alright" he asked.

"Can I come in..I just wanna talk to you." She replied and Shawn moved to the side to guide her inside the house.


(So excited for Shawn's new album and wonder..omg❤️.. don't forget to vote for my story and thanks for reading it💖)

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