Must be Love

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"Ethan..he knows what happened between us" he said further.

"So, what?" She turned and said with a shrug.

"Ha..So what.. really Camila?" He said staring back in her eyes with intense gaze.

"Oh Shawn! don't look at me like I should be guilty about that" She said in annoyance.

"You didn't tell anything to your parents or your sister instead you trusted that guy..I can't believe this" He told her.

"So now you, Shawn Mendes, would tell me who I've to trust.."She said with a chuckle. He went silent after the realisation that he's not in place of telling her anything especially in matter of trust. "He's my only friend and I tell him everything and I trust him more than myself. You don't know anything about him"

"I know" he Swifty replied.

"Oh I forgot you probably know everything coz you are a stalker" She replied.

"Stop calling me that Mila..yes I'm a stalker coz I was madly in love with you and you were the only girl I've chased for years" He said.

"And then broke her heart" She said with a pain in her voice.

"I'm sorry Mila..for everything, I regret what I did, I was stupid..I know" He said.

"Then what Shawn?.. Everytime we talk, we end up fighting and you bring every conversation to the same point that you're sorry..Shawn your sorry will not change anything for me, even if I forgive you I won't forget our past" She said aggressively.

"Okay..but atleast give me a chance...just a chance to be your friend" resting her arms on her chest Camila turned to look at his face in question. "I promise I won't force you or talk about anything to be with me, you know we belong to same profession so it's impossible not to get into interaction, you know what I mean" He explained.

"But I told you earlier that we can be friends" She said.

"Not like that said but you didn't mean it I know..if you did you would've sent me your address..I want you to mean it, if you say we are friends then we should act like ones" He replied.

"Okay" she said with a sigh.

"But I'll try, if it didn't work then don't blame me" She finally agreed.

"Fine Mila" He responded.

"Now drop me home before my parents report against you for kidnapping their girl" She said in a sarcasm.

"Your parents are nicer than you so don't worry" He replied while getting into the car.

"Really! forgot who you were asking for friendship before Hun" She said while settling in the passenger seat.

"Ok I gave up, it's difficult to argue with you" He replied.

"Better" She said with a victory smile before they drove back to her home.


I fall hard, that's just how I am
And I bend and break like a rubber-band
Everything gets real after 2AM
So don't, don't

Don't look at me like that
When you're the one that implied that
'Cause I'm gonna look at you right back
I promise you ain't gonna like that, yeah
We fuss and we fight, forget that night
And I wouldn't have it any other way

Must be love
Or this wouldn't hurt so much
And I wouldn't think so much
And I could just give you up,

Camila wrote the lyrics and put her pen aside at the table. It was an overwhelming night, she was inspired by the things happened few hours before and that's why she couldn't sleep. She had million of thoughts in her head so she decided to put it down on a paper. Now her head was empty and she felt better to sleep. She sighed like a huge load had lifted from her shoulders and moved towards her bed again hoping that sleep would come easily this time.


"Who are you grinning at?" Brian asked Shawn while looking in the crowd for a person who he was possibly be looking at with this huge unusual smile.

"Camila!" He said in surprise after looking back and forth between both of them and noticed his gaze was exactly on her. "You are grinning at Camila and she smiled back. What the fuck.. What's going on and why I don't know anything" He said in disbelief.

"It's none of your business Brian, stay out of it."Shawn spat and started moving away from him.

"Wait..what happened Shawn, why you are talking like that to me" He asked rushing behind him. They both were at the VMAs afterparty and the event was arranged by his music banner.

"You broke the bro-code Brian and told everything to Camila before and this time I'm not trusting you. Infact I will never trust anyone this time" He told him with straight face.

"What do you mean this time..Are you guys back together..oh my god" He said in excitement.

"Calm the fuck down Brian, it's nothing like that we just agreed to be friends right now" Shawn told" Fuck!! why did I tell you"He said regretting his previous words.

"Cause I'm your best friend maybe" Brian said proudly.

"Yeah whatever but if you leaked this information I will kill you" He warned before leaving.

"Alright!" Brian said with a shrug .

Shawn was looking at Camila from afar for long time, she was looking beautiful in her blue silk skirt with her hair gathered in a ponytail. When she finished her conversation with some important personalities over there and was left alone. He decided to talk to her but as soon as he was about to make a move, his phone buzzed and the name displayed on his phone surprised him. He opened the message quickly.

"Shawn meet me on the roof top of this building in 10 minutes" Hailey

"What the fuck does she want now" He said to himself.

"I'm not coming..go in hell" Shawn

He replied and looked at Camila who wasn't present at that spot now.

"If you'll never come. I'll jump right there and would left a note blaming you for my death" Hailey.

"Fuck Hailey Fuck" He said in anger after reading another text. He stood there for sometime anxiously looking around him, with hands in his pocket and finally decided to go after Hailey or he'll remain restless for the whole time.


Here comes the villain.. Please vote and comment, love you guys❤️

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