New Beginnings

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"Aaliyah don't mess with me, you know I hate this disgusting thing" Shawn told Aaliyah who was annoying him by picking up and eating tomatoes from a salad in front of him.

"Come on Shawn you are going to be 22 in a couple of months and you still hate them, they taste so good by the way" she teased him by taking another bite.

"Haha how funny Liyah... I didn't know that people stop hating tomatoes when they are going to be 22" He said making a face at her.

"You know what Shawn, normal people don't hate them in the first place"she said showing him her tongue. He pinched his lips together giving her a fake smile and switched a channel by a remote control.


Shawn turned his face towards Aaliyah on his name.

"Yeah" he replied.

"What happened between you and Camila?" She asked. Her sudden question made him to get shock.

"Where did she come in between...and how do you know her" he asked the first question came in his mind.

"Shawn obviously I know, she's also a singer right!" She told him while eating her salad.

"No..I mean how do you know about me and her" he asked again.

"I think you forgot that I'm your sister and I know you since I was born." She said putting her plate on the table.

"Liyah!! don't be dramatic, how did you know about us..just tell me" he said in eager.

"I'm not being dramatic.. Shawn..see..she worked with you in a music video and the chemistry between both of you was so obvious like a blind can tell that you both liked each other.. I thought finally you'll get rid of that Hailey but you were still with her, so I didn't ask anything at that time...And you are acting quite weird since you met her...I mean a party animal spending his nights alone in his know it's kinda weird and lastly you're current response just made my doubt clear.." she said in a one go.

"Ufff!!!" he sighed on smartness of his sister.

" tell me the whole know I'm not letting you go without explanation now" she declared. Shawn knew his sister know him too well, she'll find a way to get all the information, so it's better to tell her by himself.

"You remember Liyah I used to have a crush on a girl I saw in LA and didn't know her name" he started.

"Yeah of course, how can I used to find her in the stars at night when you were young" she told him.

"How do you know that?" He asked in utter astonishment at his sister revealed that she knew a thing which his best friends were even unaware of.

"I saw you once, when I was were sitting on a swing in the lawn, strumming your guitar..... looking in the sky and singing something like I can see you in the sky you are that shining star..."she confessed.

"And how did you know exactly that I was singing about her" he said embarrassingly.

"Coz I'm your sister Shawn, how many times I have to tell you" she said in frustration. "Now tell me everything" she insisted.

" that girl...I have crush on" he finally revealed.

"Wha- you are telling me that you had a chance to date your lifetime crush and you missed it!" she exclaimed.

"It's not like that actually" he continued to tell her the whole story of Camila and him from the start till the end.

" I wanted to feel sorry for you coz you're my brother but you deserved that" she said in disappointment "You should've told me, I would've given you a better advice for how to get a girl" She added.

"Ok now don't continue to say that I'm stupid and blah blah.... I know I am and I know I did a huge mistake in my life but I can't do anything now" he told her.

"Why are you so hopeless Shawn..if you think you'll get over her than you are just lying to yourself coz it's not gonna's written on your face" she told him.

"I have no other way Aaliyah" he said hopelessly.

"Aaliyah!!" She stood up as her mother called her in a kitchen.

"Coming mom" she yelled back.

"I've to go now...but you don't have to give up on her..keep trying and we'll talk later about that"

Shawn noded at Aaliyah and she left. He was going back to LA in the evening. His conversation with Aaliyah gave him a little hope and motivation. He thought maybe he'll get a second chance, he had to try atleast.


"Mija! I choosed a room for myself"  Sofi said while climbing down from stairs. They were here to visit there new home which Camila bought for them. It was a huge mansion situated near the highway going straight to LA in Malibu.

"This is huge Camila, you didn't have to spend too much money" her mother told her.

"It's not too much mama and as I said lemme do everything I want to do for you coz it makes me happy" she told her.

"Whatever makes you sweet daughter, I love you" sinu said caressing her face.

"Ok so we have to do some settings before papa will come" she told her mother "Sofi did you call Ethan? What does he say" she asked Sofi.

"He says that he is with papa and they'll be visiting store and then would went to park to get fresh they'll be here in the evening probably" she told her. There were renovations being made in their store, it was going to be big and more workers would be hired there. So, Ethan took her father to show him the progress in their work.

"Mija you and Sofi should go and buy some grocery, I've to prepare the dinner for your papa and Ethan, you can do all the settings after coming back.. while I stay here and look after some things." She told them.

"Ok mama, we'll be back in an hour..Sofi let's go" she said while carrying her bag and went to the nearby grocery shop.


Camila and Sofi were picking things from grocery store. It was 10am in the morning and also the place was far from city, so there wasn't so many people around them. Sofi went to a separate lane to pick up some chocolates when someone caught her sight.

"Shawn Mendes" she squealed at a person who was wearing blue denim shirt, black jeans and black sunglasses, standing some inches away from her.

Shawn turned his head towards her, thought he spotted another fan of him and waved towards her with a smile but she didn't respond and came near to him to say hi.

"Hey!! I'm Sofi" she told him.

"Hey! nice to meet you Sofi" he said awkwardly shaking her hand.

" don't know me?" She said.

"Am I suppose to know you?" he said confused.

"So Mija didn't tell you about me" she said in disappointment in a complete childish way.

"Who's Mija?" He asked in confusion.

"Mija my sister...I mean Camila..." She told him but after seeing still confused look on his face, she added "Camila Cabello, who sang senorita with you"

Her confession made his hair stand on his skin, he couldn't believe his ears that he was hearing her name. He thought his whipped ass was making delusions. Meanwhile, Camila noticed that Sofi took too long, so she came to find her when she saw her standing with a tall figure with his back towards her. She quickly started walking towards her saying.

"Sofi what are you doing know we have to..." She stopped as she came near her and recognised the person standing in her front.

"Camila!!" Shawn exclaimed removing his glasses to see clearly.


Hehehehe ok I love everyone who's reading this❤️❤️❤️, Vote plZzZ💕 and comment if you want.. there's so much more to come, just a hint that Hailey is the villain of the story so she ain't going anywhere
Love you guys, take care💖

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