Song for you

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"I'm willing Andrew, how many times I've to assure you" Shawn told Andrew who was sitting there with a flat expression of disbelief on his face. Shawn had just told him that he was willing to release his song but Andrew thought he was saying it in anger as it was impossible to persuade him for doing something he refused to do once.

"I mean I was hopeful that you'll agree but you'll agree that quick, I wasn't expecting that" Andrew said.

"Well next time, you should better have nerves to ask by yourself instead of using my friends, I'll never tolerate this again, you're my manager..come on man" He replied playing with a glass ball placed on the table in front of Andrew.

"I wish you'll remember this forever, that I'm your manager and you've to obey me for your successful career" Andrew said dramatically.

"I did obey you, that's why I'm know that Hun" He said with grin.

"Yeah of course, now tell me what made you willing to release the song" Andrew couldn't hold his curiosity.

"My heart" He replied plainly.

"Your heart" Andrew huffed.

"What's funny about that" Shawn asked with annoyed look.

"No nothing..ok" Andrew replied and then both started talking about various projects of Shawn ahead.


Straightening her legs Camila rolled on her bed to face the window. It was 12 am of the night and she couldn't help but think about Shawn. Last time she saw him was on party and it was 2 weeks before. She wondered if Shawn really wanted to get friends with her and if that's the case then why he hadn't contacted her. She wanted to deny it but the fact was that she couldn't get him out of her mind. She was desperate to talk to him and see him again. Head full of thoughts, clutching her phone in hands, she was daring herself to text Shawn. She opened his number and thought what to write.

"No Camila you are such a stupid" She said to herself and shut her phone. If he really wanted her to be friends with her then he should've texted by himself, she thought. She rolled again on her bed and now her back was facing the window, trying to get a sleep but all she could think was of Shawn on closing her eyes. Fighting with herself, she mustered up the courage and texted him "Hi". The moment she pressed the send, she sat up on the bed, eyes fixed on the phone, waiting for the reply. 5 minutes passed and there was no reply. She checked her phone again for the last time and then deleted the text.

"How stupid you are to text first, he don't care about you Camila" She said to herself in frustration. She put the phone on the side table and as soon as she was about to lye down, her phone beeped. She quickly grabbed her phone, expecting a text from Shawn but disappointment took over her face when she saw Emily's name on display. She texted her the same "Hi". She thought it would be a good distraction from Shawn, so they started texting each other, talking about their old school memories.

"How did you get in this music business" Emily.

"I don't know, it was luck you can say and then I was offered señorita out of nowhere" Camila.

"Oh with Shawn Mendes" Emily.

"Yah" Camila.

She wrote thinking of how she texted her to get distracted but he somehow managed to come in between their conversation.

"He's really a hot guy" Emily.

"Who? Shawn. Yah" Camila.

She rolled her eyes groaning while texting.

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