Chapter 14

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*A month and a half later*

Author P.O.V.

Ever since the last conversation they had, they haven't talk to each other since.

The girl always avoid him when she see him around, on the other hand Hwaseong whom barely home. He either goes to duties early in the morning and come back super late or just not even home.

Tonight is one of those nights where Y/n planned to sneak out of the high secure palace to go to one of the biggest festival, in the capital.

The girl always love the festivals, whenever she heard there festivals she will always be there.

The sunset gave her the clue it time for plans to be executed.

She hurried pack her backpack with her stuff, the brown/black hair girl did one quick check of the hallways and the window for maids and guards.


She safely landed on the ground quietly gathering her bag, looking around for any guards she quickly proceed to go to her old escape route.

Her foot carried her to the dark forest between the two kingdom. She slowly down her pace as she successfully escape, during her walk abruptly her vampire nose pick up a scent of blood.

Her attention then focus on the trails of blood, she followed the smell leading to a dark figure laying down against the tree.

Curiously she slowly steps forward to the figure all of a sudden she heard fragile whimpers, Y/n knew it definitely an animal.

Y/n got closer to find out it was Shuryo with his left leg being swollen and what seem like a deer trap wounds.

"Shuryo?" Shuryo lift up his head immediately after hearing her soft voice.

"Y-Y/n?" his voice sound very weak.

"What happen to you?" she bent down, taking off her backpack and placing them beside her.

"I got caught in one of the vampires traps.." she hums understanding why he got such a bad wound.

The girl search her bag for any herbs medication for treating wounds.

And the Story Begins-Ateez Seonghwa ffWhere stories live. Discover now