Chapter 24| BRT

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Chapter 24: BRT


I finally acknowledged Suzan's appearance and she was an absolute mess. Her kinky hair was unpacked and her strands stood erect on her head like they were singing hallelujah in their multitudes. She was in striped pajamas and she had flip-flops on her feet. If a stranger met her looking like this, she could be mistaken for an asylum escapee.

"Hmm," her mom finally piped up, "Ngozi. I worked hard to send you to school only for you to come here and be doing nonsense with that girl eh? Where did I go wrong in taking that girl in? Tell me Suzan, where!?" Mrs. Nworah exploded.

"Save the scolding for later madam. Although, you also need to keep close watch over these children and their activities carried out in your absence." the Principal said, "Now can I please get in touch with Annabelle's relatives?"

"I don't know any of her relatives." Suzan's mom answered carelessly.

"Excuse me?" Mr. Maxwell hissed.

"I adopted Anna when she was thirteen. I don't know any of her relatives but she told me her parents are dead-"

"Her parents are not dead." Suzan butt in.

"Ogini! What's this girl talking about? Have you finally lost your senses? Ngozi, have you finally run kolosis?" her mom snarled.

"Calm down woman. Let's hear her out." the principal canoodled her and gestured at Suzan to go on.

I folded my arms and watched the latest drama unfold before me in utmost awe and mostly, confusion.

"My mom took Anna into our home back in Lagos when she was thirteen. We were shaky and a bit skeptical of the idea since she could turn out to be a psycho, serial killer or worse. And moreover, it wasn't really a good idea to let in a total stranger to live with us but we were considerate in so many ways. One was because-"

"What the hell are you talking about?" I butt in, "You guys are lesbians, she's adopted, her parents are dead, her parents are not dead... Where is all these coming from? I thought you guys were cousins and her maternal aunt was your mom but she preferred to stay with you guys following whatever living arrangements her family agreed on. Besides, she specifically told me her parents were both alive and..and.. I really don't understand it anymore."

She looked tired. Tired to answer my question or even ponder on it.

"Chris, you claim to love Anne but somehow, you know nothing about her for the past six months that you've been with her. Seriously?" she spat in disdain and I flared up at that.

"What the fuck do you mean by that? She refused to tell me anything even when I pressed her for it. She told me she didn't live with her parents and that she lived with her aunt in Lagos. And fuck, if that was the living arrangements her parents preferred, who was I to judge? Now I'm hearing shits like her parents are dead or not dead and you guys are fucking around. Where the fuck are all these coming from?"

"Boy! Watch your language in this office." Mr. Maxwell growled.

But I didn't care if he threw me out because I swore. What I needed right now were answers from Suzan.

How was I the only one in the dark? Why, was I the only one in the dark? I recalled I had begged Suzan to talk to Anna on my behalf considering the fight we had, and yet she hadn't any decency to tell me they were homo and I was just wasting my time and feelings, or any freaking fuck about adopted!

"For the sake of us all in this office, let me say everything I have to say before you put in any comment or judge either of us." she choked out and I saw that her hands were trembling.

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