At Sid's houseVibha aunty - Sid get up it's already 7 O'CLOCK you will be late for the college .
Sid - Oh shit mom, I am late . I have to reach college within 7:30 am . Their is a dance rehearsal in our college and I am the lead in the dance .
Vibha aunty - Sid can you drove Anu to her friend's house?
Sid - Mom , I am late already ! Ok I will but tell her to be ready I can't wait for her.
Anu - Bro , I am already ready before advising look at yourself. Mom he's so bad .
Sid ( roll his eyes) - ok ok sorry .
Vibha aunty - Anu come with me and Sid get ready and come downstairs fast for breakfast. What I will do with this two uff!!
Anu and Vibha Aunty came downstairs.
Anu - Mom , I am hungry give me my breakfast . See Sid and Abhi bro is coming.
Vibha aunty - come and have our breakfast
Abhi - Sid you are late !
Sid - yes bro , and see I have to drove Anu .Abhi - Mom , I will go to vai's house . So I will drove Anu . What do you think?
Sid - GREAT ! Please mom , please please....
Vibha aunty - ok. Anu go with Abhi .
Anu - ok mom
Sid - Bye , mom (He kisses his mom's forehead and went )
Abhi - Mom , we also must leave . Anu let's go.
Abhi and Anu hug Vibha aunty and went .
Aashika , Faisal Roshni Ashnoor (Sid's friends ) were waiting for Sid .
Sid - Hi , guys . Let's go for the rehearsal .
Faisal - Sid again you are late .
Dev - Guys . Let's go we need to rehearse . Come on .
Suddenly, Someone came and told college professor is calling everyone to the Auditorium.
Ashnoor - What happen ? Why sir is calling all the students?
Roshni - LET'S see.
All went to the Auditorium.
Professor - A new student is coming to our college. So I need a good behaviour from everyone . OK
All together - okay , sir .Sid - Fai ( Faisal) How would be the new student.
Fai - I heard that the new student would be a girl .
Sid ( thought something ) - I am excited to meet her.
Guys, now what do you think who would be the new student..??
Can you guess??Comment below
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Romance( Not Edited ) (MY 1st FF 😊😊) ( Not Edited ) My first ever book that's why I won't remove, I was just 14 to 15 years old when I wrote it, so it is close to my heart although it was not something best, but it was teached me a lot. Fall in Love ...