Ch :- 18 ☞☞ Morning In Jungle ☜☜

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In morning at jungle

Avu wake up first
She saw Sid
Avu - Sid what happen to you ? Woke up.

Sid - Aaaw ! Good morning ( sweetly ) . Avu you are alright ( sleepy way).

Avu - yeah I am alright  but what happen I can't remember anything ....
Sid ( POV) - I can't say Avu the truth or else see will hate me .

Avu - say?
Sid (in serious way ) -  Don't say u can't remember anything.

Avu - ??
Sid - I can't say all this . I am good boy .

Avu - Don't joke with me .
Sid - I am not joking ( he came close to Avu and her hold face with his both hand .)

Sid - I saw , I saw that ,that uuu you have a habit of sleepwalking 😂😂😁 ( looking into her eyes)

Avu -😦😧😬 Sid Sid I will not leave u .
Sid - I don't want you leave me.
Avu - what did u say ?

Sid - Nothing ! I just say that I was also got blackout after that moment so I can't remember anything...
Avu - Ok leave !

We should go home now our moms must be tensed  about us . Sid - yes u are right let's go.

Sid drove Avu to her home
Sid - bye I must go now !

Avu - ok bye !
Next chapter
Vibha aunty calls Sonia Aunty....

Avu - ok bye !Next chapter Vibha aunty calls Sonia Aunty

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