Vacation Part I

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Zon’s family was asking him so many questions about Saifah. They even wanted to meet him when they were back from the vacation. He finally managed to escape from the exhausting questions and couldn’t stop thinking about Saifah and the vacation he was going to spend alone with him.. “Oh god I cannot believe this is actually happening……Saifah and I alone on a vacation far from all these people. He couldn’t wait to hear where Saifah was going to take him.” thought Zon and couldn’t wait to tell Saifah about his parents. Saifah had been so worried that this wouldn’t work out and he had to go against his parents , he had been cranky and worried all week.

He reached Saifah’s dorm. He knew Saifah would be anxiously waiting for him as he had texted him to talk what happened with his parents. As soon as Zon got in he was greeted with a worried face. He couldn’t control it anymore, he just ran and jumped on him, legs wrapped around Saifah’s waist and hugged him tightly. Saifah was really surprised by this kind of energy from him and he assumed everything went alright with his parents, but still he needed confirmation.

“Zon, did everything go alright with your parents? What did they say?”

“Of course everything went alright Sai….can’t you tell by my face huh?” He then showered his face with kisses. Saifah’s legs hit the edge of the bed and they both fell on the bed laughing their lungs out. They were just lying there facing each other on the bed and it felt as if they couldn’t contain their happiness.

“I’m so happy your parents accepted you the way you are, Zon”, Saifah said with a hint of tears in his eyes. Zon could sense something was troubling him and he desperately wanted to know what was the reason Saifah always tried to avoid the topic when it came to his parents. He had tried to ask him on many occasions before but as usual he tried to avoid it. Zon pushed the idea of asking him right now because he didn’t want to ruin the mood. Instead he asked him about the vacation they were going to spend together.

“You still haven’t told me where are we going?” asked Zon.

“Oh about that…I was thinking how about we go to the beach like we went last time and relive some of our best memories? Only this time we will be all alone together.” Saifah said with the most expectant expression on his face. He feared Zon wouldn’t like this idea. “We can go somewhere else if you want to, no pressure though.”

“Of course, why not. It’s a great idea. Thank you for arranging this trip, Sai”.

“We better start packing then, my Zon. We are leaving tomorrow.”

The next day they arrived at the beach. It was a beautiful day with clear sky and nice breeze and also there wasn’t much crowd near the beach. The day couldn’t get any better. “Ah we’re finally here. It feels so good to be back right?” asked Saifah.

“Yes it’s so nice to come back here, just the two of us. Finally free from all the stress. I think we should do it more often, Sai”. Zon said with his eyes beaming with full of love for the man standing beside him.

“Yes, I think so too. By the way do you remember that here was also the first time that we….” Saifah said with raising his eyebrows and a smirk on his face. Zon’s felt heat rising on his face. “Hey, Sai , stop it. Come on… I want to play in the beach.” Zon half walked and half ran towards the beach feeling all flustred. After all this time Zon was still shy about these things and it is one of the many things Saifah adored about his boyfriend. He could only laugh at his boyfriend.

“Hey, Zon wait for me. Why are you running.”

After playing at the beach for hours they hadn’t realised it was almost night time. They were really exhausted and hungry too. So they decide to have dinner and after enjoying the delicious sea food, they were just lying on the beach watching the stars and the waves and enjoying the comfortable silence between them. Although Zon was still preoccupied about the issue about Saifah’s parents. Zon thought that it was now or never. He had to gather all of his courage and ask him because it was eating him alive at this point. He mustered all of his courage and finally asked him about it.




“What is it, my Zon?”


“Zon? Do you want to tell me something?”

“Well…talking to my parents really got me thinking. You barely talk about your parents. I’m curious to know about them. My mom is so excited to meet you and I would love to meet your parents too someday. Do they know about you?”

Saifah was really tensed when Zon tried to bring the topic of his parents. He tried to keep a straight face and said, “Why are you asking about them all of a sudden Zon? And what do you mean by ‘Do they know about me’?”

“I meant that you’re dating me. It’s not all of a sudden. I’ve been thinking about it for a while now and whenever I asked you , you always tried to somehow escape out of discussing it. Saifah whatever it is what don’t you tell me?.” Zon’s voice cracked a bit. He was really trying to hold it back but he knew it was pointless when it came to Saifah. “Do you not want me to meet them? Saifah I really want to ask you this……Are you ashamed of me? Is that why you don’t want me to meet them?” Zon’s insecurities and doubts surfaced once again and he just blurted it all out without thinking anything. He could feel tears pricking his eyes.

Saifah was really shocked when he heard Zon saying all those words. It made him really sad that Zon would think that he was that shallow. “How can you say that Zon? After all we’ve been through you still ask me this question?” tears rolled down on Saifah cheeks. “You know how much I love, my Zon. But I cannot believe you would think I am shallow and that is why I don’t want you to meet my parents. You shouldn’t assume if you don’t know about things. I can’t do this anymore. I’m off to bed.” He just stormed out of there leaving Zon alone at the beach.

Zon just sat there watching Saifah go towards their room. Tears started rolling on Zon’s cheeks too. He knew he shouldn’t have brought up that topic now when they were having the most amazing time together after such a long time. He realised now how stupid he had been in saying all those words to him. Of course he knew Saifah would never think about him like this, he loved him very much and respected him always no matter what. Saifah could never think about him like this. He instantly regretted saying that. The damage had been done. He just sat there all alone with head on his knees crying.

This vacation turned out to be one of the worst vacation ever.

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