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You to charli and nessa jumping on you

You: what the actual fuck

Charli: get up bitch

Nessa: bebe get up it's our girls day

Quinton: what is going on

You: i have to get up

Quinton: ok get these loud asses out of our room

You: ok i will get up bye

Nessa: bye bitch

Charli: bye

You: hey wait ask kellianne and indi if they wanna come

Charli: ok we will

Nessa: get up

you get up and put this on after your shower

you stand at the counter and do your hair and makeup

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you stand at the counter and do your hair and makeup

when you felt a person around you

Quinton: hey sexy

You: new name??

Quinton: yea like it

You: yes

Quinton: good you look so fucking pretty

You: awe thank you bubs

Quinton: its true

You: well thanks but i have to go now bye baby

Quinton: whyy i'm gonna be alone all day

You: you have the boys Sam Nate nick hootie all them orrr you could come and be a girl

Quinton: yea i'll stick with these rats i guess

You: well you have fun bub with those rats haha

Quinton: no i'm just gonna call and text you

You: i won't answer so good luck

Quinton: we'll see

You: yea see me not answer

Quinton: oh you will

You: sure i will bye bub love you

Quinton: bye cutie love you too

you give him a kiss and go downstairs

Bryce: umm hey chloe

You: hey

Bryce: what are you doing

You: waiting on the girls to go what did you need

Bryce: well um someone wrecked our house

You: what who?

Bryce: tayler

You: what i thought he was in jail

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