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Its been about 7 weeks since you found out you were pregnant you have already had your first check up and they saw the baby it was so adorable you and quinton had fell in love with it
We still don't know the gender so we call the baby "it"
Quinton was hanging out with the boys downstairs as you stayed upstairs bingeing alexa and katie.
You were very emotional since the pregnancy and you cried a bit
You went downstairs to get some snacks
Quinton: hey babe have you been crying
You: um yea just watched alexa and katie
Quinton: it made you cry?
You: we turns out pregnancy makes you emotional
Bryce: who 's pregnant
You: shit bryce i forgot to tell you me
Bryce: really i'm gonna be an uncle
You: well yea
He hugs you
Bryce: im so excited how far are you
You: 7 weeks
Bryce: so how much longer
You: like i little over 8 months
Bryce: aw man does the boys know
Jaden: yea we know
Bryce: since when
You: 3 weeks ago i had my check up last week
Bryce: omg can you see it
You: haha yea you can on the sonogram
You show him the photos
Bryce: is it a girl or
You: we don't know yet
Bryce: awe so does everybody know
Quinton: just the girls and sway
You: yep
Bryce: oh i'm happy for ya
You: thanks
You: well i'm gonna go finish my-
You gasp in pain as you hold your stomach
Quinton runs over to you
Quinton: what's wrong
You: ah my stomach
He sits you on the couch
Quinton: i'll get you some ibuprofen
He gets you an ibuprofen and water
You: i-i cant
You push his hand away
Quinton: let me take you upstairs
He picks you up and carries you to the bed
You: thank you but i-i'm fine
Quinton: just take a nap babe you'll feel better when you wake up
You: thank you baby
He gives you a kiss and leaves the room
After a while you fell asleep
--time skip you wake up --
You wake up to blood all in the bed and on you
You get up and go to the bathroom and see all the blood
You: oh my god the baby
You start crying and try to clean your self up
You run thru a whole box of pads and 2 rolls of toilet paper
It just got worse the blood wouldn't stop
You called nessa who you knew was downstairs
You: n-ness
Nessa: yea
You:can you come up here i need help now
Quinton: whats wrong
He said through the phone
You: ness please just come fast
Nessa: me or me and q
You: no please just you
Nessa: okay bye
She runs upstairs and sees all the blood
Nessa: jesus chlo what happened
Thinking about it made you cry more
You:i-i don't know i-i'm just bleeding out
Nessa: but your pregnant you can't have a period what is it
You look at her
You: i- i-i dont know i did everything right i thought
Nessa: you think it's a miscarriage
You cry more and slide down the wall
You soon hear the door open and shut
Quinton: chloe! Nessa!
He walks into the bathroom shocked and looks you in the eye
Quinton: what IS GOING ON?
You: i-im sorry quin
You: i-i'm so sorry quin i love you please
Quinton: chloe you lied to me what about the baby you can't get a period when your pregnant
Nessa: ok calm yourself griggs its not her fault and she didn't lie to you there is a baby i saw it
You: i-i don't know what happened
Nessa: that would explain the cramping
Quinton: what
Nessa: we think its a miscarrage
Quinton: awe baby
He walks over to you and rubs your back
Quinton: i'm so so so sorry baby i didn't mean to get loud at you
You: n-no it's okay bub it's my fault
Quinton: no it's not we need to get you a docters appointment today
You nod
They call nurse jamie (your nurse)
Quinton: she said to come down to the hospital
You: o-okay
He picks you up and carries you to the car
He sits in the back and nessa and bryce sit in the front
He holds you all the way there
We get to the hospital and quinton carries you into the bed
Jamie: hey sweetie how is the pain
You: i-it hurts really bad
Jamie: okay just lay back and we'll figure it out
They change you and they put the jelly on
They search around and see that theres no heartbeat
Jamie: awe sweetie i'm so sorry
You: w-what
Jamie: the bleeding and all you had a miscarriage
You cry again the tears race down your face
You: wh-what i did everything right
Jamie: i'm sure you did it was the umbilical cord strangled the baby to death
You were crying more and more
You: i- i killed my own baby
Jamie: no sweetie its a rare but common mishapp the baby gets caught in the cord and it stops the heartbeat
Quinton: so it's dead
Jamie: yes i'm sorry
Quinton tried to grab your hand but you jumped
Quinton: i'm so sorry
You shake your head
You: no no no why why do i fuck everything up
Jamie: i'm gonna leave you two alone
She left the room
Quinton: it's not your fault princess
He hugs you
You hug him back and cry into his shoulders
You: i'm so so so so sorry quin
Quinton: no i promise you its fine its okay babe
He kisses you
You: no it's not i ruin everything i killed a baby
Quinton: no you don't babe
You scoot over and pat the spot you left
He lays beside you and wraps his arms around you
He whispers in your ear
Quinton: always remember i love you no matter what your wonderful and i want you to be with me in life
You: i love you too
He cuddles you for a while until jamie walks in
Jamie: hi sweetie
You: h-hey
Jamie: i talked to the docter and we have to get the baby out
Quinton: tonight
Jamie: yes unless chloe, you wanna stay here longer
You: yea do it now i wanna go home
They make quinton get up and leave the room
They remove the baby
You cry as you see the dead body set in the table
Jamie: quinton you can come on in
He walks in and sees your tears
He runs over to your side and hugs and kisses you
Quinton: how are you
You: it hurts a lot
Quinton: i know it hurts you
You: what about you?
Quinton: i-i'm okay baby what hurts
You: my heart watching your own child die and be thrown on a table like nothing and i killed it
Quinton: no you didn't and i feel terrible that you had to see that but we can try this time if you want or we can wait but people tild me miscarriages ruin relationships and i don't want that i wanna be with you chloe i want everything with you.
You: i love you and i dont want that to ruin us together because i do i do everything
Quinton: i love you too princess
He lays beside you and cuddles up to you
Jamie: i'm sorry to bother but i was just letting you know we know the gender of the baby
Quinton: what is it
Jamie: it's a girl
You look at quin
He puts on a smile
Jamie: do you wanna see her i mean she isn't fully developed but you can still look
You: you can
He nods and gets up
He walks over to the incubator thats still in the room
He looks down and smiles
Quinton: she's beautiful baby
You: awe
He picks her up and she barely the size of his hand
You get up and walk over to him and the baby
You: she is adorable isn't she
Quinton: she is. She looks exactly like you baby
You: awe
You kiss his cheek and hug him
He continues to hold her in his palm
You put your hand on his
You: now i wish would've done better
Quinton: how?
You: i remeber how just 8 weeks ago i was freaking out about having her now i'm upset i didn't get to
Quinton sets the baby back down and holds you
Quinton: i told you we can try again if you want to chloe i promise we will like you said were too young
You: welll maybe not
Jamie: hey sweetie you should get some rest
You: okay
You lay back down and she gives you some pain medications and hooked your iv back up
Jamie: mr. Griggs may i speak with you outside
Quinton: um sure
She takes quinton outside the room.
Nurse jamie had asked me to speak to her outside
Me: so
Jamie: what i wanted to speak to you about was chloe she's not okay
Me: what do you mean
Jamie: i mean i know her quinton i've been her docter for years i know her too well she says she is alright and she is fine but she's not deep down she is hiding it.
Me: hiding what?
Jamie: she is hiding how she feels and as her what boyfriend she will need help.
Me: first fiance second help you mean like a therapist
Jamie: exactly she just lost a child and she'll need advice and help
Me: no offense but how do you know
Jamie: i've delt with this not only with patients but with myself
Me: oh i'm sorry that must've been terrible
Jamie: no it's okay i have children now
Me: thats great
Jamie: yea anyways back to chloe she is how do i put this
Jamie: she will go through stages like she wont eat she wont move she'll always space out some people have nightmares and a lot more
Me: hold on chloe is the happiest person
Jamie: people put on a fake smile all the time
Tears streamed down my face
Jamie: my point is go be there for her and get her some help and then ya'll can maybe try again or something
Me: yea thank you so much i'll do that
Jamie: just make sure she is always okay
Me: thanks
Jamie: make sure she eats and help her okay i know it hurts you too but
Me: but she is more imprtant thank you jamie for letting me know
Jamie: your welcome and i heard what you said about miscarriages breaking people up
Me: yea is that
Jamie:for some people it pushes them apart one normally wants to try again the other is scared to death their gonna lose it again
Me: alright then
Jamie: now i'm gonna go take care of room 316
Me: okay
She leaves and i go back into chloe's room
Me: hey baby
She looks at me and gives me a smile i could tell it was weak
Chloe: hi bubs
I sat at the end of her bed
Me: are you okay
Chloe: yea why
Me: you don't seem like it
Chloe: what do you want me to do be happy i just lost my own daughter the little baby that grew inside me for 7 weeks dead
Me: and i'm sorry that happened but
Chloe: theres no buts quinton you don't understand
you got up and walked out the room
You walked in the lobby
You barely walked around the lobby for five minutes before you had tears on your cheeks
You walked back to your hospital room to see quinton standing at your doorway watching you
You hug him
You: i'm sorry quin i'm a bitch to you
Quinton: no it's okay baby
You let go and stand infront of him
He looks you up and down
Quinton: i do understand babe i know it hurts you it hurts me
You: i'm sorry quin
Quinton: oh no i thought i was ~quinton~
He says mocking you
You: why are you being so cocky
Quinton: oh because i knew you'd come back
You: how'd you know that
Quinton: oh because you love me and i thought oh maybe she'll notice that your whole ass was out
He starts laughing
You: what?
You turn around
He comes up behind you and slaps your ass
You: hey!
Quinton: hey it was out
You: so
Quinton: your still my baby
You: ofcourse
You turn around and give him a kiss
He moves his hands down your body to your ass
You: quin jesus christ were in a hospital
Quinton pulls away and looks at you
Quinton: promise me.
You: promise what?
Quinton: that you love me and we'll try again
You: yes i promise
He holds put his pinky
You lock yours with his and kiss him
Quinton: ya know we can go home
You: then what are doing here still
You start to walk out but quinton pulls you out
Quinton: were not walking outta here plain ass out baby
You: oh yea hah thanks
You change into this

You: promise what?Quinton: that you love me and we'll try againYou: yes i promise He holds put his pinkyYou lock yours with his and kiss himQuinton: ya know we can go home You: then what are doing here stillYou start to walk out but quinton pulls ...

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You and quinton get in the car and drive home Once you got inside all the boys ran up to youBryce: soo what happendQuinton: its the babyJaden: what?Bryce: please tell usYou: give me some space pleaseThey back upKio: tellAnthony: what happenedYou: ...

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You and quinton get in the car and drive home
Once you got inside all the boys ran up to you
Bryce: soo what happend
Quinton: its the baby
Jaden: what?
Bryce: please tell us
You: give me some space please
They back up
Kio: tell
Anthony: what happened
You: i had a um miscarriage
Tb: what?
You: there was baby baby die baby not in tummy understand
Bryce: we know what a miscarrage is but how
Quinton: she said the baby got tangled up and choked itself on the umbilical cord
Jaden: chloe are you okay
You: umm y-yea im fine im gonna go to bed night
You walk upstairs
You change and lay down on the bed
You lay in the fetal postion yk ( s)
You feel the bed dip in and arms wrap around you
Quonton: shhh its okay
He says rocking you to sleep
Quinton: goodnight princess i love you
You: i love you
You fell asleep

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