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You got up because today was the day we drive home dixie and noah leave today too
You showered and put this on

Without the white over thing
You wake up quintonand push him in the shower
He comes out in shorts and a tshirt
You: you ready
Quinton: yerp lets go
You: your so wierd
Quinton: ermm you
We go down and get in the car
After 20 minutes of driving quinton gets a text
He picks up his phone and checks it
You: quin your gonna wreck us
Quinton: see who that is
He hands you his phone
Quinton: who is it
You: cynthia
Quinton: thats cap i blocked her
You: good i was kidding its josh
Quinton: i know your kidding what'd he want
You: hey buddy do ya'll wanna come over on your way home
You say mocking josh
Quinton laughs
Quinton: say yea if you okay chlo
You: sure
You text back yea were 10 minutes away and shut his phone
He moves his hand back to your thigh squeezing occasionally
We were about 10 minutes from sway
You: hey you wanna stop
Quinton: why
You: i miss you
Quinton: my what
You: lips
He laughs
Quinton: yea
He finds a gas station and pulls over
He turns to you and kisses you
He pulls away and laughs
You: hey i meant more than one dummy
He pulls you into his lap
Ya'll make out for a while
Quinton: shit its been 20 minutes
You: we better go then
You move back to your seat and he drives us to sway
We go inside to the house
Josh: yoo whats up
You: the sky
Josh: good one what took ya'll so long
Noah: ye i dropped off dixie and got here 20 minutes ago
You: oh yeah we had to pull over
Noah: my god again
Quinton: bro no your so dirty minded
You: we didn't do that
Quinton: i had to get gas
Jaden: bro you drive a tesla
You: he means charge he is dumb
Quinton:yep charge it
Josh: mhm hey next time clean your lips buddy
Quinton: sorry i kiss my girlfriend dumbass
Jaden: ya'll trippin
You: why ya'll got a problem with everything i do
Kio: we don't bryce does were just tring to help from bryce
You: well i don't care about him
Bryce walks in
Bryce: ya'll wanna watch a movie
You: sure
They put on a movie
Quinton goes over to the couch and sits in his usual spot
He motions for you to come over
You look at him and roll your eyes
You walk over and try to sit beside him but he redirects you to on his lap
You groan at him
He pulls you to his chest and whispers in your ear
Quinton: woah turning me on there princess
You laugh and rotate your body at a 90 degree angle
He rests his hand on your ass
You: woah hands daddy
You whisper back
He chuckles
Quinton: shit you gon make me act up babygirl
He says quietly
You move your hand up his shirt and rub his abs
He rolls his eyes sexily
Quinton: you wanna go a bit lower baby
You: uhuh i would but i'm infront of my brother and the boys
Quinton: we can go upstairs princess
You: you find out a way to get us both upstairs without them expecting anything and i'll suck your dick
He laughs
Quinton: yes ma'am
He thinks for a minute
Quinton: turn around here
You spin around and face him
He looks at you and kisses you
You smile as you pull away
You rest your chin on his abs and look up at him
He smiles at you
He sticks his hand down your pants and finds your clit
You whisper to him
You: hey man i said find us a way upstairs d-damn
He stuck two fingers in you
You: h-h-holy shit q-quin
He chuckles
He moves his fingers in a clockwise motion different then before
You grip his arm/shirt
You: ooo fuck why are you so good
He laughs at you once again
Quinton: wanna go now?
You: yes figure it out smartass
You were about to moan but he covers your mouth
Quinton: shhashshashah
You: upstairs
Quinton: go to sleep
Quietly he says
Quinton: hey guys i'm gonna take chloe upstairs she fell asleep
Bryce: k night
He picks you up with his fingers still inside you
You grip your legs around him tight
He whispers in your ear
Quinton: i'm not taking them out yet princess
You whisper back
You: i'm b-bout to c-cum quin
He gets you in the room and you cum on his fingers
He pulls them out and licks them clean
He sets you down and starts kissing you
Ya'll take eachothers clothes off
He tries to push you on the bed but you swerve it and push him onto the bed
You climb on top of him
You fit him in your mouth and suck his dick
Quinton: oh my fuck chlo
You hum
Quinton: shit uhh god damn
He moans
He cums and you swallow it
He tries to flip you over bit you keep yourself on the top
Quinton: oo you want me to call you daddy now
You: nope your still daddy
You kiss him
He fits inside of you
He starts thrusting into you but you stop him
You: daddy just sit there and look pretty
He laughs
You grind into his dick as he gives you hickeys so he wont be loud
He starts thrusting in you again
You flip you both over and he takes over
He kisses all over you as he grinds in and out
You moan in his ear
After a while he cums
You: my god quin your already finished
Quinton: fuck me
You: oh honey i already did
You cum and lay beside him
He looks over at you
Quinton: i'm sorry i cum too fast
You: no it's good quin atleast your good for the five minutes
You laugh
Quinton: stop
You: you stopped
Quinton: seriously chlo
You: seriously whattttttt babe
He hovers over you and smirks
He does like a push up and gets close to your face
Quinton: i'll make it up to you baby
You: mhm how
Quinton: i dunno but i will
You: thats sweet and all but were naked
Quinton: and
You: i know you might not undersgand but as a guy like ypu are your dick is hmm hanging above me and that thought in my head is a bit wierd
Quinton:well get it out of your head
You: hmm i can't because when i look down all i see is your dick
Quinton: hm i'll put some pants on for you princess
He gets up and puts on some underwear he comes back to bed
He lays beside you
Quinton: oh so your not gonna put on pants
You: yea i'm just gonna pull a mr. Griggs
Quinton: mm i can see your dick baby
You: really good for you it's huge right
Quinton: eh not as big as mine beb
You: oh yeah you are huge
He laughs
You: will you take me home
Quinton: or you could cuddle me here
You: or you could take me home bebe i have a shoot tomorrow
Quinton: fine i'll take you home
You: thank you
You kiss his cheek and get up
You grab a huge hoodie from his closet and put it on like a dress
You walk back into his room he looks up and smiles
Quinton: why do my hoodies come so long on you
You: first i like it it's like a dress second its only to my thighs third because your so tall
Quinton: i'm like 5"9
You: i'm 5"2 dummy
Quinton: you grew yay!
You laugh
You: yerp
Quinton: ew your wierd
You: shush and take me home
He gets up and walks over to you
He picks you up and throws you over his shoulder
You: omg put me down you can see my underwear
Quinton: oooo underwear im not five chlo
You:i am
Quinton: i know bebe
He carries you downstairs and past the boys
Bryce: hey woah i thought she was asleep
Quinton: she woke up and wants to go home bye i'll be back in like 20 minutes
You: bye night bitches
Tb: bye dummys
We get in the car and drive to your apartment
We get out and go up to your apartment
He comes in behind you
You: i'm hella tired so i'm going to bed night babe
Quinton: goodnight princess
You slowly walk to bed and fall into the blankets
You lay down and look at door and see quinton leaning against the door frame
Quinton: you look so sad
You: i'm just tired and i have to wake up at 8 and its 1
Quinton: okay i'll leave and let you sleep night
He walks over to you and kisses your head then lips
You: bye bye
Quinton: hmh night baby i love you
You: i love you too
He starts walk out
Quinton: hey text me when you leave for the shoot
You: kk
He leaves and shuts your door
You fall asleep

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