You go to school

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"(Y/n)! (Y/n)! (Y/n)! (Y/n)! (Y/n)!" Poppy said with excitement as she kept shaking you, trying to wake you up. You groan and turn around. "What is it, mom? I'm trying to sleep." You said. "It's your first day of school today! And I don't want you to be late!" Poppy said. School? Oh that's right. Today was your first day of school. Poppy and Branch had told you about it weeks before, but it was mostly Poppy who would tell you about it. How could you have forgotten? "Mmm. 5 more minutes." You said. "No, now! Come on, (Y/n)! You can't be late!" Poppy said. "Okay, okay, I'm up!" You said. Poppy smiled. "Great, see you downstairs!" Poppy said as she ran off. You sighed and got out of bed. You looked in the closet for your first day of school outfit. After getting dressed and doing your hair, you walked down the stairs and saw Poppy and Branch talking to each other in the kitchen. Branch saw you and smiled. "Morning, (Y/n)." He said. "Good morning, daddy." You said. "So, what do you want for breakfast?" Poppy asked. "Can I have (F/f) please?" You asked. Poppy nodded and went to get it for you. "So, excited for your first day of school?" Branch asked. "Of course! But. I'm also a little nervous." You said. "I understand. Your first day can be a little overwhelming sometimes. But I'm sure you'll be fine." Branch said. You smiled at him. "Oh there's nothing to be worried about! School is fun! And everyone one there is so nice!" Poppy said. Branch rolled his eyes, then shook his head with a smile as he looked at you. You giggled. After breakfast, you, Poppy and Branch walked to school together. You were excited, but as you got closer you were more and more nervous. You stopped outside of a small building to see lots of other kid trolls running around laughing. You held Poppy's hand as she went up to your teacher. "Um, excuse me, are you miss Rose?" Poppy asked. The red troll turned around and smiled. "That's me. Are you Queen Poppy? And King Branch?" Rose asked. Poppy and Branch nodded. "Where's (Y/n)?" Rose asked. "She's here." Poppy said. You were hiding behind her. "It's okay, (Y/n). No need to be shy." Branch said. Rose bent down to you. "Hi sweetie. I'm Miss Rose. I'm your kindergarten teacher." She said. "H- hi." You said. "Well, you can leave her here for now. Our class is having recess at the moment so she can do whatever she wants to." Rose said. "Thanks, Rose." Branch said. Branch began to walk away. You still stayed behind Poppy. "Do you have to go?" You asked her. "Sweetie, it will be okay. I promise." Poppy said. She hugged you. You hugged her back. A green troll came over and saw you behind Poppy. "Hi! I'm Clover! I'm a pop troll. You're (Y/n), right?" She asked. You nodded slowly. She smiled and took your hand. "Want to play with me? My friends are over by the sandbox. We can play together if you want." She said. You nodded and a slow smile made its way to your face. The young troll smiled back and took you to her friends. Poppy smiled and watched you with the other kids, until she left with Branch back to the bunker. "(Y/n), these are my friends, Sofia and Claire." She said. "Hi." You said quietly as you waved. "Guys, this is Princess (Y/n), Poppy and Branch's daughter." The green troll said. Their eyes widened. "Cool!" Sofia said. "The daughter of Queen Poppy goes to our school?" "That's awesome!" Claire said. You smiled. You played with Clover and her friends for the rest of recess. Not only did you get along with them, but you got along well with almost every troll in the school. Most of the trolls really liked you. You also had a good first day, despite how nervous you were at first. You ran over to Poppy and Branch when they came to pick you up. "Hey, (Y/n)." Branch said. "So, how was your first day?" Poppy asked. "It was great! I had recess, sung songs, read books, I even made some new friends!" You said. "That's great!" Poppy said. "Well, ready to go home?" Branch asked. You nodded. You, Poppy and Branch went back to the bunker. You talked about all of the fun things you did at school during dinner, then went upstairs to get ready for bed. Once you got in, you set an alarm on your clock so you wouldn't be woken up by Poppy again. As you went to sleep, you thought about the friends you made at school today, and how excited you were to go back tomorrow.

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