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Béatrice's name is pronounced bay-uh-treece (the last syllable rhymes with peace)

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Béatrice's name is pronounced bay-uh-treece (the last syllable rhymes with peace). I'm using the French pronunciation, but you can read it however you'd like. I use the nickname Béa a lot, which would be pronounced bay-uh, but once again read it the way you'd like. Celina's name is pronounced like 'Selena'.

Béatrice is French and will speak a little bit of French throughout the book. I do not speak French nor am I from France, but I will try my best to make things as accurate as possible. I will most likely be using translation apps (which aren't always reliable), so please correct me if I have something written incorrectly.

More characters will be added as the story progresses. If I have a specific person I picture portraying them, I will include them in the note from that chapter.

There will be no smut in this book. I know for some people that is a deal breaker, and that's okay. Personally, writing smut makes me uncomfortable, so it will not be included in this book.

This book takes place after the release of Flicker but the timeline is modified. Events won't be in the exact order that that actually happened (nor will they be accurate), but I will try my best to keep things as realistic to the actual timeline as possible.

As always, this is simply a work of fiction. Although there are real names used in here, all characters are fictional. This book is no reflection of how these characters and people are in real life.

I am currently in the process of editing this story. I'm sure there's still TONS of mistakes, so please ignore them. I am doing my best to correct my grammar and spelling while also working to improve the storyline.

Please vote and comment!. Receiving votes is incredibly motivating and helps allow more readers to find this book. As for comments, you all crack me up and I love interacting with you all.

To all my first time readers, I hope you enjoy this book. It's definitely not the best but I put my best effort into writing it. I love you. Thank you for being here.

And for my returning readers, I have so much love for you. Thanks for choosing to come back. You have my heart (and Béa and Niall's)!


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