Days Go By

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About a week passed and she figured she was right, and would probably forget the kid by the next time she saw him, she hadn't yet however, which was all the more strange. 

She was sitting in her living room alone, watching tv in her sweats, when her cell phone went off in the kitchen; she wondered whether she should even bother looking to see who was calling, as she only accepted calls from her brother, Jason, -the male representative of America-, and their boss, and sometimes didn't even answer for them. 

She didn't like getting out of the house and she especially didn't like meeting people and making friends, ...yes. She says that like it's a bad thing; she lived alone, and spent nearly all of her time alone, and preferred to keep it that way. 

The phone continued to ring and vibrate, awkwardly skipping it's way across the counter as she looked over the back of the couch at it thoughtfully, she could at least look, she'd see the number if she got up to dismiss the call, and her phone could break if it danced itself off the counter. 

She pushed herself up off the couch and strode over, picking it up. 

As expected, it was nothing important, it wasn't a number she recognized, she had several contacts in her phone of "DO NOT ANSWER" or "Unimportant" and any unrecognized number was clearly even less important; though something, somewhere, disagreed, as she mistakenly hit answer instead of dismiss and nearly threw the phone across the room in surprise as it admitted a familiar voice. 

"Hi Emmy! I found your phone number because I love you!-" their was an audible slap on Tai's side of the phone as he clearly hadn't meant to say that, at least, not all of that, and immediately threw his hand over his mouth. 

She was frozen in shock for a good minute or two before she recoiled, 

"What the hell do you want??" 

"I wanted to say hi.." he said slowly moving his hand from his face and holding the phone with both hands, 

"I wanted to see you again Emmy!" 

She had no idea what to think, say, or do at this point, so she just went with more yelling, because, /that solves everything/; "WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT CALLING ME "EMMY"?" 

"I'm sorry! I won't!" 

She calmed down somewhat, which was fairly easy for her, as she wasn't so easily bent out of shape, "....You may call me 'America'." 

He was quiet for a bit. 

"Shi, Miss America." he giggled. 

She was more than ready to hang up on him, but she feared -and quite rationally as well- If she did he would just show up on her door step. 

"....What do you want, kid?" 

"First, can you call me my name?" he asked hopefully, 

"What was it again?" she sighed, 

"Tai-Yang." he reminded her happily, 

"Okay. ...What do you want, Tai?" 

"Can I come visit-" 

"NO." she knew one thing for sure, she didn't want him to know where she lived or he'd just appear one day; 

She heard a small whimper from the other side of the phone, "But...Everyone at home is so mean.." he sniffled, "...would you come see me? You're nice.." 

"Like hell I am!" This kid never ceased to amaze her, and not in a good way, but then again, not in a bad way either. 

She sighed again, "Don't you think I'm a little old for you?" 

"No..." he replied quickly, "You're 19, physically at least." she wondered for a minute how he knew that, but simply dismissed it as something of common knowledge. 

"...What are you, 11?" He was considerably shorter than her, and very young-looking, so she didn't think she could be too far off the mark;  

"I'm 17." he pouted, "But I've been around a lot longer than that!" 

"Well I've been around a hell of a lot longer I'm sure." she rolled her eyes, walking back over to the couch and sitting down, "I don't need or want an admirer, I LIKE to be ALONE." 

"You're a lot younger than everybody else too!" he whined, "...I don't know what you mean though, can't you just let me get out of the house for a little bit?"  

"So go out by yourself." she growled. 

"But I want to be with you!" ...Could he hear himself talking? she set the phone down on the coffee table and glared at it, but couldn't hang up.  

She just sat there staring at it for a minute or so, "...Uh..America?" he sounded a bit concerned and was beginning to worry he'd crossed a line, "....please?" he squeaked. 

She couldn't take much more of this, in her head she hoped she'd never have to see him again; but in her heart, -which had never given her much of any trouble before- she couldn't help but feel like she should at least do the kid a favor, since she didn't spend her time doing much of anything anyway. 

"......You're on." she sighed, 

"..on what?" he asked confusedly, 

"....You can take me somewhere as an excuse to get away from your family. Tomorrow. Step carefully." Emily couldn't believe she was actually humoring the pathetic little twit. 

"...step where?" at this she hung up, tossing the phone onto the floor; 

"I'm gonna regret this...aren't I?" she asked the room as if someone would answer, now she was really in for it; she expected him to call back as she hadn't given him any information, but he didn't, and by noon the next day, napping on the couch, she thought she was home free. 

Then there was a knock at the door. 

She jolted awake, but didn't get up, she hoped she hadn't really heard anything. 

The doorbell rang. 

She couldn't deny that she heard it, but chose to ignore it, and went back to sleep. 



She was sleeping soundly and didn't realize at first she really heard his voice, "Emily....? You didn't tell me when to come..I thought you'd be awake by now, sorry!" 

Her eyes slid open slowly and reluctantly, Tai, who was looking down at her, smiled. 

Again, it took a moment or so for her to realize she was really looking at him, and when she did, she inevitably shouted at the top of her lungs, causing him to jump, back up quickly and trip over the coffee table, falling over it and also taking it down with him; she stood bolt upright, and looked over the flipped table slowly. Tai blinked widely, looking quite pitiful and frightened; he made to back up further across the floor but she stopped him. 

"DON'T MOVE." she stepped closer, 

his chest was rising and falling unsteadily, he seemed to understand how dangerous she could be, so why did he persist to press his luck? 

"Answer a few questions for me. How did you know where to find me? And beyond that, how did you get in??" she had a light, but almost evil tone in her voice. 

Surprisingly, he smiled brightly again. 

"I tracked your location through your cell phone silly," he sat up a bit more, "But you left the window open upstairs, so coming in wasn't that impressive." he finished, shrugging his shoulders happily. 

"....upstairs. ...the upstairs window." 

She droned blankly. 

"Yep!" he replied proudly, crossing his legs, "Can I wait here while you get ready? Your living room is nice. And your bedroom." he giggled, "I came in your bedroom window."

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