Brotherly Love

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Over the next couple weeks he called at least once a day just to talk to her, she really didn't have to say much because he just went on and on, and she continued to do nothing about this minor annoyance, he wasn't disrupting her schedule any, and with each conversation he became a bit less of a nuisance, and more of something to lean on, as annoying as it was, he never ceased to amuse her, even when he hadn't meant to, ...especially when he hadn't meant to. and stories about his family put a bit of a sadistic smile on her face; now at times she found herself just waiting by the phone, -when she didn't have anything better to do of course- as was this time, as she sat at the bar in her kitchen staring at her phone, in the same place as it had been when he first called.

"So." she looked at the phone blankly, "This is what it's come to."

The phone sat motionless and silent in the middle of the bar.

"I must be, ....really bored to be waiting for that dipshit to call.." she was clearly still in denial that she had other things to do, but chose to ignore them, because this was more fun.

Eventually, of course, the phone started to ring.

She stared at it for a minute, as it rang wildly; she had to humor the realization of how badly she wished to pick it up, and so watched it silently a bit longer,

"Damn that ringtone sucks ass."

She easily pawned off the want to answer the phone with the lame excuse of being irritated by it's ringing and scooped it up quickly,,



He cut himself off with a sharp girlish scream and she heard the phone hit the ground on his end, "......What..??"

He didn't seem to have been harmed as he quickly snatched up the phone again "I'matyourbrother'shouse-thankyou-Zàijiàn! EEP-"

The call dropped,


What had he gotten himself into?

Why would he be at Jason's house anyway?

She at least assumed that was the brother he was talking about, Michael Williams, really wouldn't make sense for the kid to find himself in Canada,

But why Jason's?

Nevertheless she got there as fast as she could, she had no idea what to expect upon arrival, but when she came near Jason's house it was quite apparent.

The two were out in the front yard of all places; Jason was leaning against the brick on the outside of the house, patiently, fervently, glaring at Tai, who had his hands tied behind his back, and was sitting in the grass, leashed to a stake in the ground and looking quite pathetic.

"Emily!" Tai jumped up and ran toward her, but only had enough line to be jerked off of his feet and land near her on the ground, "Thank you fo-"

"Is this little piece o' shit bothering you, Sis?" Jason interrupted,

Tai sat back on the ground and Emily noticed his eyes burn a deep red for a moment, glaring back at Jason fiercely like some kid who's confessed his love for her three times already never could, he muttered something under his breath before blinking a few times, in which his eyes shone amber again and he began to look a bit confused.

Emily took a few steps closer so Tai could reach her, he quickly stood up again and scurried behind her, Jason raised an eyebrow at them blankly,

"Surprisingly, he's not." she sighed,

"He was talking about you, sounded like he was plotting something, ..I've never talked to the stupid little fuck before so I don't know if he can be trusted! what's he want with you anyway? Were you expecting him?"

The thing that happened next was quite literally the last thing Emily, and perhaps even more so Jason, expected, As she turned around to give him a slight look of resentment, and inform them both she hadn't been expecting him, she had barely opened her mouth to speak when Tai leaned up on his tip-toes and kissed her, before a word escaped her mouth.

Emily blinked widely at first, her eyes slipped shut slowly, Jason was taken aback.

He broke the kiss and she opened her eyes again slightly; he was glaring at Jason with those strange red eyes again, he glanced back at her and whispered sharply, "Just play along, won't you?"

Her lack of reflex had been quite astounding lately, he had the time to tell her not to react before she threw him on the ground and demanded an explanation.

Jason pushed himself off the wall and stormed toward them,

"What is this your new fuck buddy??" he shoved him backward, Tai almost stumbled to the ground but straightened himself out again, eyes still dark red and furious.

"How about yes?" he took a step forward, Emily was frozen with shock, if not by anything else that was happening at the moment, it was Tai's eyes drastically changing color, and his acting like another person;

...What really was wrong with this kid?

"Em you gotta be fucking kidding me.."

She tried to say something, still a bit dazed, but she was cut off again by the Hong Konger.

"We should just be going now, you can untie me." he muttered something under his breath again, as if finishing his sentence in some other way that shouldn't be heard aloud, at least not under these circumstances.

"Stay the hell outta my sight why don't'cha?" Jason snapped at him, kicking the stake out of the ground, "You can go how you are now, I'm not keepin' ya."

Emily remained shocked silent for a moment longer, Jason's glare shifted to her, "...He's better than Viet. I don't know what you were thinking with him."

Tai decided it would be a good idea to leap into her arms right about now.

"Go home." Jason said, glaring.

As she started to walk away Tai tugged at her collar lightly, when she looked down his eyes were innocent and golden again, "...What just happened..?"

"Hell if I know." she was surprised at him, unsure whether to be angry or impressed.

She was leaning a bit on the impressed side.

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