(Bat Boys in Quarantine) Part 7- Do I Sense A Twinge Of Jealousy?

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       "Well?" I ask, taking a quick glance at Roy before looking to Kori. Her and Roy aren't necessarily dating, but they're also not not dating. It's complicated.

"Well, I suppose I have no where else to stay. It was very kind of him to offer. He said he knows it's a bit strange to ask, since we broke up long ago. He said your brother Tim told him we don't have anywhere to stay right now." I don't even remember telling Tim we didn't have anywhere to stay, but apparently he has no problem telling everyone in this goddamn family.

"So you're gonna stay with him in Blüidhaven?" I ask. I guess Dick's not coming back to the manor. I thought he'd be the first one back after word got out about the virus cases in Gotham. I guess things have changed.

"It's not like I have a list of former suitors who wish to invite me to live with them." She answers. I shrug. It honestly wouldn't surprise me if she did have a long list of former suitors who wanted her to live with them. I mean, have you met her? She's an absolute dream to live with. She uses headphones when she listens to loud music, she lets me make the food, and she's scared all of our neighbours enough that sometimes they're so quiet I can't believe we actually have neighbours.

"Have you both found places to stay?" She asks, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

"Bruce asked me to stay with him." I answer, looking over at Roy.

"You haven't called Queen yet, have you?" I ask.

"I'll give him a call later. We should probably pack up the apartment. We gotta find all the spare guns you stashed around the apartment for 'safekeeping' unless we want the landlord to turn into a hit man." He grins.

Roy's never been a good liar, I knew he wasn't going to call Queen unless he truly had no other option. As slim as his odds are of finding somewhere else to stay, I still think he'd rather go back to the streets than live with Oliver. Still, I figured now wasn't the best time to talk to him about that. Considering his not-girlfriend is going to move back in with her ex, and unless her and Roy decide to go long distance, (which, lets face it, never really works out) then they basically have until midnight until they break up. So I decided it would be a good idea to just focus on packing my things up until I figured out a way to simultaneously tell Roy that he needs to get his shit together while also being sympathetic. Then again, maybe I'll just focus on the part where I tell him to get his shit together.

When I finished packing it was just about nine pm. I can't believe I only have three hours and thirty minutes left to be in this house with my best, and only, friends. Why does the world hate me? I zip up my suitcase and grab the duffle bag I keep under my bed. It's pretty full already but I'm sure there's room to fit the rest of my-

"Yo dude you have a serious problem." Roy says, bursting into my room without bothering to knock. He's carrying an arm full of my guns, which he dumps on my mattress.

"Roy, what the frick! Don't hold guns like that, Jesus!"

"What? It's not like they're loaded." I give him a look.

"They're loaded!? What the hell Jason, why are there so many loaded guns scattered around our apartment!?"

"Well you didn't expect me to put empty guns everywhere did you? What were we supposed to do if someone attacked? Start throwing guns at people?" He rolled his eyes at me and plopped down on my mattress, next to the stack of loaded guns.

"You almost finished packing?" He asks, giving me a judging look as I start unloading the guns on my bed. I neatly stack the unloaded guns in my duffle bag and start putting the ammunition into a seperate bag.

"Yeah, I got my clothes, bedding, toiletries, and just about all my weapons."

"You really think Bruce is gonna let you bring all those guns into his house?"

"He will as long as he doesn't know I'm bringing any guns." I wave off his sceptical expression. Lying to Batman, not my best idea, I know. Then again, when's the last time a bad idea stopped me? Oh that's right, never.

"You call Queen yet?" I ask, casually changing the subject.

"Nah, I feel like I should just wait it out ya know? See what happens." I raise my eyebrow at him. "The last time we talked.. things didn't end well. I just, I feel like it's a bad idea if I call him. I mean Bruce has probably filled him in so if he wants to call no ones stopping him." He shrugs, ignoring my eyebrow raise.

"Assuming he does know, you really don't think he's doing the exact same thing you're doing? You don't think he's sitting in his fancy ass house making excuses as to why he should let you call first?" He sighs and holds up his hands in a mock surrender.

"Alright, alright." He mumbles, pulling out his phone while making a very unamused face at me.

"Oliver Queen. Who's this?" I hear Oliver answer from the other end of the phone. He's such an ass. How does he not even recognize Roy's number?

"Hey, it's Roy." Roy says, getting up to leave the room. He does this weird thing where he walks around when he's on the phone, it's fuckin' weird. He pats me on the shoulder on his way out, then his voice fades into the background when he closes the door behind him. I know I don't have a lot of time, Roy's gonna make that phone call as quick as possible. I hope he decided to talk to Kori when he's done, otherwise I'm going to have to explain where I'm going. That's gonna be some explanation. I pull on my brown leather jacket and tuck my Hood under my arm. Then I sling my duffle bag around my shoulder and hop out the window. I really hope this isn't a mistake.

(A/N: Apologies for the late post, thanks for reading!)  

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