Sleepy BatBros

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(A/N: Jason has a possibly problematic dream, it's not graphic but if your not comfortable with reading that then just skip over the italic text)

           The sound of a fist on Tim's window startled him, he put down his phone, after quickly logging out of tumblr, and went over to his window. He pulled the curtain aside and became face to face with a tired looking Jason.

"What are you doing here Jay?" Tim asked speaking through the glass at Jason.

"Open the window dumbass!" Jason shouted at him. Tim, not understanding what Jason said, just repeated his original question.

"Goddamnit- Tim you dumb mother-" Jason gestured to the window until Tim got the idea and opened it. Jason squeezed through it and tumbled onto the floor.

"Jay wha-" Jason wave a file folder in Tim's face. Not bothering to climb through, still laying on the ground, his legs hanging out the window.

"Here's the file you asked for Timbers." Jason said pulling his legs in and standing up. Tim took the file and opened it, skimming through some of the text. He'd asked Jason to lend him the file he had on Bane but he hadn't expected Jay to bring it to the manor. Even though Bruce was out on patrol with the Demon Spawn, It was still risky.

Tim glanced up from the file and saw Jason sitting on Tim's bed eating the leftovers from his cold dinner that he'd forgotten about.

"What?" Mumbled Jason from a mouthful of garlic bread.

"What are you doing here Jay?" Tim asked leaving the file on his side table before sitting down next to Jay who was occupied with eating Tim's dinner.

"Why do I need a reason to come eat your food?"

"You know what I mean."

"Look Tim, Bruce is never going to know was here plus I was in the neighbourhood." He took another bite of Tim's garlic bread. Tim gave him a skeptical look which Jason ignored.

"So how've you been?" Jason asked it like it was a casual question but he really did want to know. Tim had a bad habit of not taking care of himself, and since Dick was in Blüdhaven Jason figured it was a good a time as any to check in on Tim.

"I'm fine Jay."

"How's the Demon Spawn been since Dicks been away?"

"More annoying than usual, he's got nothing to keep him busy so he just kind of lurks in the shadows and when I walk by he just appears." Jason did his best to hold in a snort, it sounded like the brat all right. Their conversation was awkward at first but they both gradually eased into it. Jason tried to keep his laughter quiet after Tim delivered a flawless impression of Damian, so Alfred wouldn't hear from downstairs but he already knew Jason was there. It was just another one of his butler super powers. After a few hours of talking Jason finally realized how late (or I guess early) it was. Tim was looking pretty tired and he'd been laying back on his pillow while they talked, he was already in his night clothes (sweatpants and a soft Pink Floyd t shirt) and Alfred had "forgotten" to go pick up more coffee so Tim hadn't had one since this morning. Jason stood up stretching his back and turned towards the window.

"Ok Timbers I gotta go-" Tim lazily grabbed his hand holding him back from the window.

"Stay." Jason glanced back at the window, it was pretty dark anyway and Jay was too tired to walk so he'd have to take a cab which he really couldn't afford. Tim looked at him with his puppy dog eyes and Jason caved.

"Fine Replacement I'll stay but I'm leaving as soon as it's light enough to see out." Tim mumbled his agreement and Jason pulled off his jacket and jeans leaving him in a pair of red boxer shorts and a Wonder Woman t-shirt. Tim had already shifted over to his chosen side of the bed claiming a pillow, after shutting off the lights, so Jason lazily rolled onto the bed his back facing Tim's. After a few minutes Jason pulled the covers off himself and mumbled a rant to Tim about how Bruce shouldn't be in control of the thermostat anymore before pulling off his shirt and laying back down. Tim didn't find it hot in the room, he was enjoying having someone's warm body next to him. Jason finally drifted off to sleep a few minutes after Tim had. That night Tim slept better than he had in months, but Jason share the same feeling. He tried to keep a distance from Tim in case Jason woke up screaming. It always happened, and sleeping next to someone just made the dreams worse. He couldn't stop thinking about how he'd slept by his moms body night after night hoping she'd wake up. She never did.

Tim woke up sometime in the night snuggled into Jason's chest, his warm breath on the back of Tim's neck. 'Tumblr would love this.' He thought before falling back to sleep.

Other than a few small flinches caused by vague dreams Jason had a pretty good sleep, well until early that morning.

'Jason? Could you find my medicine for me sweetie?' His mom said sitting at the kitchen table looking down at where he was playing around on the floor.

'Ok.' He got up and his mom smiled at him, he walked over to the cabinet that was filled with bottles of pills and powder and grabbed the one he recognized as his moms daily medication. He carried it back to the table along with a cup of water but when he got back his mom was on the floor. Her hair covering her face and there was a needle sticking out of her arm, she wasn't moving.

'Mom!" He dropped the water and ran over to her but the water became blood, it sprayed up on his face and washed onto his mom's body.

"NO! WAIT!" Jason jumped up, his back was slick with sweat and he wasn't in his bed.


"Stop get away-!" He scrambled back putting up his fists until he realized it was just the replacement. He felt Tim's hand on his shoulder and he let out a shaky breath.

"You ok now Jay?"

"Go to sleep Tim. I'm going to get some water, I'll be back." Tim nodded and put his head on his pillow again, missing Jays warm body. Jason pulled on his shirt and jeans and walked out of Tim's room and down the stairs. He'd long ago memorized where to step to avoid the creaks in the floor so he barely made a sound. He got to the oversized kitchen which was probably bigger than his apartment and pulled out a cup from the cupboard.

"So you were the one screaming Todd." Jason jumped, almost dropping the glass and reached for his gun which thankfully (for Damian's sake) wasn't there. There was a quiet "Tt." From above the fridge.

"What the fuck kid I could've killed you!"

"Bold of you to assume you could ever kill me."

"Believe me kid if he wasn't around you'd already be dead."

"Tt. Speaking of father, he wouldn't be too pleased if he found out you were here." Jason turned to the sink to fill his cup with water.

"If you want to keep your toes you won't say a word to him about me being here." Damian thought about that for a moment.

"Tell me why your here and I won't mention it to father." Jason rolled his eyes, Damian really was a brat.

"I was dropping something off for Tim and he wanted me to stay, something about too much caffeine and not enough sleep."

"I should have known you and Drake were up to something. What were you giving him?"

"I've told you enough already bat brat." Jason said finishing his water and leaving his cup on the counter. He headed back upstairs leaving Damian in the kitchen.

"Don't wake me up with your pitiful screams again Todd."

Once he was back in Tim's room, Jason pulled off his jeans and rolled back into bed next to Tim who happily curled back into Jason's chest. After his nightmare Jason was reluctant to fall back to sleep so he pinched his leg to keep himself awake. Despite that, he closed his eyes and inhaled the smell of Tim's hair product. While Jason didn't usually like physical contact he didn't mind the feeling of Tim's back on his chest. After a while Jason forgot to pinch his leg and begrudgingly allowed sleep to take him again. 

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