(Bat Boys in Quarantine) Part 9 - The Last Goodbye

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                  It's a miracle that I made it back to the apartment in one piece with the speed I was going. It's also a miracle I didn't run into any cops on the way, not that they could've caught me. I leave my bike in the driveway out front and hike my way back up the side of the building that has the least windows. Once I'm inside I quickly dispose of my gear, helmet included, and pack it into one of my suitcases. I can hear Roy laughing in the other room and I step out to see what's going on. He and Kor are sitting to face each other on the couch and playing Uno. By the looks of it Roy's winning. Rather, by the looks of it Kori's letting Roy win. Roy doesn't seem to notice. Somehow he still thinks he's good at the game, spoiler alert, he's not. I close my door behind me and Kori and Roy both turn to look at me.

"Oh look at that, the cat has finally dragged Jason back in." Kori teases, glancing over at Roy's hand of cards while he's too distracted to notice they're in clear view.

"Suppose I couldn't convince you that I've been here the whole time?" I ask, moving to sit on the floor between Roy and Kor.

"Not a chance Jaybird." Roy replies, putting another card down. Kori sighs and picks up two more cards.

"What's with the food?" I ask, glancing back at the small pile of remaining snacks we have which has been piled in between them.

"Winner takes all." Roy smirks, I hope he's not too disappointed when Kori slams down all the pick-up-two's I know she's holding.

"What time are you guys leaving?" I ask, leaving against the couch and pulling up the memes Tim sent me. The kid's got a serious addiction for terrible nerd memes.

"Oliver said he'd send a car but it'll probably take a bit to get here. Star City's a bit always from Gotham. Not to mention he hires really shitty drivers who can't even navigate through a stop sign."

"Well at least we know whoever he hired is a better driver than you." I snorted. He wacks me on the head with his cards.

"Dick said he was going to leave to pick me up shortly after we stopped talking on the phone." Kori says, ignoring us as Roy and I try to pinch each other. "I am not sure when he will-" She's cut off by the sound of a car horn from outside. I jump up and go to the window, looking down into the yellow hued parking lot below. A lanky figure is perched on the hood of a blue minivan. Fucking geek. A minivan? How much more of a soccer mom can he get?

"Your rides here Kor." I say, glancing back at her.

"Ah, the devil we have spoken of." She lays down her cards on top of the pile. Her hands full of pick up two's and pick up fours, she's probably got every one in the deck. Roy's jaw nearly drops on the floor when he sees her cards.

"Maybe next time, Roy?" She winks, full well knowing he'll never win at this game. She floats over to grab her belongings. She grabs her rolling suitcase, her carry-on, and her pillows, one is a normal pillow the other is a small emoji face with hearts for eyes.

I know we have to do this but it feels wrong. I don't want to live anywhere else. I don't want to live with anyone else. I know I can't do anything but that's just making it worse. I just want everything to be-

"Earth to Jason." Kori giggles, her hands are on my shoulders and she's floating in front of me.

"Crap, sorry Kor. I'm kinda out of it."

"Hm, yes I had noticed." She smiles, pulling me in for a hug. I'm not really big on hugs but I'll make an exception for her. I wrap my arms around her, she's warm, well duh, she's always warm. This feels like a different warm, more like a spark rather than her usual soft glow. I'd say it was kinda hot but then my jokes would be as terrible as Roy's.

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