60k special

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Here's a little special side story. Hope you enjoy💜


Everyone in the league was in a separate room while you're in your room whining about that time of the month.

"So loud"  muttered spinner

"Hey! It's not her fault she's in this pain. So sad girls go through this" cried out twice "oh how sad that she is suffering...LET ME TAKE HER PAIN AWAY!"


"Ok who's turn is it to feed the beast?" Asked spinner

"My turn" said Magne with sense of dread "oh no, No no no no no no!"

"What's wrong big sis" asked twice

She turned around with a look of fear "We're out of chocolate... We're gonna die"


Magne then turned her gaze towards Dabi "Hey!she's your girlfriend why don't you go buy some more chocolate for her"

"Oh that's a great idea except I'm a wanted criminal with a pretty distinctive face so yeah I don't think I can do that, but not to worry I already sent someone." Said Dabi

As he finished his sentence a girl  who've they've never seen before walked in with her arms full of bags.

"Okay I got the stuff!" She said cheerfully. She then looked like she started to melt and soon changed into Toga

"Hope you had a successful shopping trip Toga" said Kurogiri

"Yup! Dabi sent me out to get stuff and since I'm the only girl here I know exactly what to do. I bought some chocolate, pads, A heating pillow, some of her favorite snacks and..." she took out a two water bottles "these!  One is filled with blood , I tasted it myself and it's delicious! And the other one is tea so it can help with some stomach pains"

"Very nice. Hopefully this helps y/n" said compress.

"Yup! Dabi and Tomura gave me a giant list with her favorite snacks. Speaking of Tomura where is he" asked toga while making a gift basket with the stuff she bought

"He's with y/n. He's up there comforting her cuz apparently she gets so emotionally lonely she starts having anxiety attacks" said spinner

"Why aren't you the one comforting her Dabi?" Asked toga

Dabi sighed "She says she's mad at me for doing something I don't even know about and she said I was breathing too loud. And then she started crying on how I was looking at her weirdly"

"Well you can make it up to her with this!" Toga exclaimed while holding her finished gift basket


Toga swiftly put the basket in Dabi's arms and pushed him to your door "Here you go, good luck, don't dieeeee"said toga while running away quickly

Dabi turned his gaze to the door in front of him.
You got this. She's the same girl you love just open the door

He knocked on the door before hearing a quiet "come in" . As he put the basket behind his back and walked in he saw you laying in your brothers arms.

"About time" muttered Tomura

"It's Dabi! Why didn't you come her sooner. Wait you don't like me anymore" cried out y/n

Tomura stood up and walked up to Dabi "Good luck with her" he said before walking out and closing the door behind him

"I have surprise for you y/n" said Dabi

You looked at him "What is it?" You asked

He revealed the gift basket and put it beside your bedside table.

"Oh wow" you said said surprised

"I had toga transform into someone random to go to the store for me since I can't go in person...Do you like it?" He asked

"I love it! It's so cool! And is that blood I smell ?" You asked cheerfully while holding up a water bottle

"Yeah. This water bottle is filled with tea and this  one is filled blood. Toga said it's good" said Dabi

"Yay! I've been craving blood" you said while taking a sip "it is sooo good!"

Dabi smiled at you "glad you like it"

"Can ask you a favor Dabi?" You asked him


"C-can you lay down with me" you asked quietly

Dabi chuckled "sure"

You scooted over and he laid  down next you. He put his arms around you as you snuggled up to him.

"You're cute you know that" said Dabi while holding you

You chuckled "I know"

Your eyelids started to get heavy " hey, can I ask you for another favor?"

"What is it?" He asked quietly

"Be here when I wake up" you said before going to sleep

"I'll be here"


Hope you like this little side story.

I was actually on my period and was like this would make an interesting story with the league of villains.

Thank you so much for 60k 🥰
See ya next chapter ✌️

Thank you so much for 60k 🥰See ya next chapter ✌️

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Dabi and y/n sleeping UwU

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