Chapter 1: The first encounter

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"Kim Haneul!" shouted Alya's mother, Mrs. Kim.

"Get ready. We're going to Mr. Haga's restaurant."

Alya groaned in frustration and closed the book she was reading. She was just reaching the climax of the book!

As Alya dressed up, pulling up her jean pants, she thought about the tradition her parents had adopted. And in turn, had forced her also.

Her family, the Kims, had a tradition of going to Mr. Haga's restaurant every Saturday.

The Hagas had been running their family restaurant ever since their parents had established themselves in California.

Back in the 1990s, when her parents had moved from South Korea to California for the first time, the Hagas had given them a very warm welcome.

She had heard that the Hagas also had children who were of her age but they were living with their grandparents in Japan.

After a few minutes of driving, the Kims found themselves comfortable at one of the tables in Mr. Haga's restaurant.

Her parents and the Haga family proceeded to hug and then talk as always. Everytime they came to the restaurant on Saturday.

Alya took out the novel she had secretly brought with her in her bag, hidden from the eyes of her mother and started reading again.

She thought of the times her mother would snatch the book right out of her hands and scold her for not socializing.

She did socialize. She also had friends. She had given the name for their group of close friends, "The Amalgas" because all of them had different backgrounds, nationalities and religions.

"Well, aren't you the perfect nerd?" said someone from behind her.

Alya looked behind half-heartedly still not wanting to leave her book and saw a girl.

She knew just from looking that the girl standing in front of her was definitely Japanese, but she felt like she would appear xenophobic.

So she stopped herself from telling what she used to tell everyone she met before.

"Hello. My name is Alya Kim. And I'm Korean," followed by an awkward smile.

And in this case from asking, "Are you Japanese?"

"I meant it as a compliment. Beautiful girls like you are often not associated with books. And those who read them wholeheartedly are called nerds."

Alya quickly replied, "But I left my glasses at home," which was the truth and both of them laughed.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Ayumi. Ayumi Haga. Mr. Haga's daughter," said Ayumi, extending out her hand.

Alya returned the handshake.

She couldn't recognize Ayumi since she was all grown up. Mr. Haga had only shown her photos of his children when they were small.

"And I'm Alya Kim."

"Am I dreaming?," said Alya jokingly.

"Because I see the Haga children standing in front of me."

"The myth exists for real," said Ayumi, gesturing to herself grandly.

"My family and I have heard so many things about you guys from Mr. Haga. So it feels like we know you guys personally even though we're meeting only now for the first time," said Alya.

"You haven't met your betrothed, my brother Asahi yet," said Ayumi teasingly.

"Oh my god!" sighed Alya as she facepalmed.

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