Chapter 5: The revelation

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Asahi was almost drifting off into sleep when he felt the car jolt as it hit a bump. He saw his members stirring and watched them as they fell into sleep again. All of them were tired after their performance and they had also grabbed the win and award.

Asahi thought about the reunion which had happened just a few hours ago. And how he couldn't help but get angry and sad at the same time. Asahi could make out from how sad Alya got that Alya liked or he did not want to say it, but love her colleague, Dr. Kim Dongwoo.

He guessed that he was maybe the first person to know about Alya's secret feelings for Dr. Kim Dongwoo. But he saw Alya quickly change her feelings when she realised he was going to get married. Asahi knew exactly what Alya was feeling because he too was feeling the same, wasn't he? He was watching the person he loved, love another person. He was angry when he saw how Alya was when she was near Dr. Kim Dongwoo. But felt sad when he saw how heartbroken Alya was but she couldn't speak about it loud or show it.

Asahi as he tried to fall asleep again realised that even after all these years, he had only one girl in his mind. It was Alya.

Alya was getting ready when Haru walked into her room.

"Are you going outside Unnie?" she asked.

"Yes. Esther and Fareeha have asked for a girls night out," said Alya, as she adjusted her makeup.

"I have cooked dinner for you but it's in the fridge. Heat it up and eat it okay," said Alya, patting her cousin sister lightly on her head.

"You didn't have to cook. I could have done it," protested Haru.

"No worries. You can spend the time while I am here focusing on your studies and college. Once I also leave for California, you'll be staying in this house alone. Aunty and Uncle will visit you but you should learn to be independent."

"Are you really leaving after completing your residentship?" asked Haru.

Alya looked behind and saw Haru sitting on her bed.

"Yes. Since we're very close, I'll let you on into a secret," said Alya and saw Haru suddenly turn attentive.

"Before coming to South Korea, I had a big fight with your uncle and aunty. My parents. I had not turned eighteen at that time but I was going to soon so I had requested my parents to let me stay in California. My dream back then was to study medicine at Stanford but my parents didn't like the idea of me alone in California. I finally agreed when they told me that we would be staying at grandmother's house in South Korea. I didn't want to move out of my parent's house all these years. Because of my grandmother. She is no longer with us but this was her house."

Alya smiled as she looked at Haru and said, "Look out for grandmother's house once we leave. Uncle and Aunty are leaving next month and I'll soon follow."

"Uncle and Aunty are going to California because of their jobs. But can't you stay. You can continue to be a doctor here in Seoul," pleaded Haru.

"I'm leaving only next year Haru," said Alya, chuckling.

"Why do you not want me to leave? Is it because I cook meals for you?" said Alya teasingly.

Haru shook her head fast and said, "It's nothing like that!"

"You're the only cousin I like in our family. Also you were the only one who helped me out a lot. My parents did not want me to study media at all and the college I was accepted to was in Seoul."

Haru remembered how much her parents were against the idea of her attending college in Seoul. And how she was interested in studying media but her parents did not want her to study media at all. All because some of her cousins were crazy fans. She herself admitted how crazy her cousins got when it came to stanning their favourite boy group. Her parents were afraid she would also turn out to be like her cousins. Alya had changed her parent's minds when she explained nicely to her parents that Haru was different. Not like her cousins because she wanted to study media to become a news reporter. It was her dream job. After so much crying and embarrassment, she finally got to go to college and stayed with her uncle and aunty in Seoul. Alya and her parents had come to visit her family in Busan when Haru decided to throw a tantrum. After Alya had convinced her parents to let her go, she was calmed down and comforted by Alya.

Haru liked Alya a lot. From all her cousins. Alya was the only person to reach out to her. In the most important stage of her life and because of her, she was pursuing her ambition. Alya was a surgeon, and she was busy almost all the time. On days she was on call duty, Haru could see the tiredness in Alya's eyes even though Alya never showed it. She saw Alya missing her meals because she was always busy but Alya made sure Haru didn't even miss one meal.

Haru prayed when she heard from Uncle and Aunty that when they were leaving for California next month, Alya would not leave too. She prayed to God to do something that would make Alya change her mind and stay here in Seoul, South Korea. She knew she was being selfish but she knew she was the luckiest person to have Alya as her cousin sister. If Alya did not leave, both of them could stay and take care of Halmeoni's house.

"I miss my house back in California. It was never about my parents. Halmeoni used to tell me that home is where you feel yourself the most."

Alya chuckled and said, "Maybe because I was born and raised there in California, I miss the environment over there and want to go back."

Haru smiled sadly hearing Alya's revelation but she could understand from where she was coming.

"Don't worry too much Haru. Focus on your studies. I'm leaving only next year. Who knows? I may not go if something turns out," said Alya as she grabbed her bags and car keys.

Haru nodded and watched as Alya walked out of the room to go meet her friends.

She was praying and still hoping.

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