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        This chapter is dedicated to _thasli_ for being our very first reader💕❤️

   Inayat's POV

"Ya Allah please help me...."
"Ya Allah please help me..."  I kept muttering as I scrolled through the pages sent.

I know I did well in all my papers but still, overconfidence kills and dissapoints. So I just decided to keep praying to the one who does it all which is the Almighty Allah.

Inayat yusuf. I finally got a hold of it bodly written in line with my registration number and other details.

I closed my eyes... I could hear my heart beat loudly through my ear drums. Shakingly, I scanned through and widely searched for the letter F. Alhamdulilah, I saw none instead I smilled brightly as I kept seeing A's and B's. And lastly, a C. It was chem 232. Oh ya Allah, Alhamdulilah I wasnt even expecting a C. We were all caught unprepared when the C.A test was fixed and trust me, it was a mess.

I stopped at my CGPA and to my greatest suprise I reached my aim. 4.0 on the dot.
Alhamdulilah ya Allah. All my sleepless nights and prayers werent in vain. It made me more happier and I felt encouraged to do more.
I know how dissapointed students feel when after all their sleepless nights and prayers, They still fail. Trust me, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala just wants you to try harder and he is the best of all planners.
So just accept whatever you get and be thankful. With that, he would surely replace it with something better In sha Allah.

I am cleared now Alhamdulilah... Its time to check for others I laughed mischeviously. By others, I meant the only two people that really mattered to me in the department. One being my friend sabeerah and the other being my crush.

Yes, Junaid sultan My longtime crush whom I find so rude and annoying. Honestly, that seems to be what attracted me to him. He doesnt talk in class, he has only a friend whose name is mansur I guess, he doesnt laugh out loud as he only gives a smile. Uhmmmm Sunnatic.....
If greeted or forcefully talked to especially by the opposite sex, he replies with few words and ends the discussion.
A boring type of guy right?.....

Well, Junaid is my ideal type of guy. A lot of ladies nowadays wants guys that are cheerful, funny and loud. Me excluded.
I like guys that are calm and private. Na'am being private is my thing. Moreover, the prophet salallahu Alaiyi wasalam warned us against evil eyes.

I remember when I first saw him and the first discussion we had. It was during 100 level second semester when I had one of those my sessions of anxiety after a guy wanted harrasing me on the way. I was coming back from the Faculty of Engineering and it suddenly began.

I slowly sat on the floor and felt so uneasy. Minutes after, a guy came to me in order to find out what happened.
I dont know, I dont know... Was all I kept saying. Suddenly, he looked into my eyes and said and I quoted "I understand what is happening, just repeat this duas after me: " Allaahuma 'innee 'a' oodhu bika minal-hammi, walhazani, wal'ajzi walkasali, walbukhli waljubni, wadhala 'id-dayni wa ghalabatir-rijaal. (O Allah, I seek refuge in you from grief and sadness, from weakness and from laziness, and from cowardice, from being overcome by debt and overpowered by men.) Refrence: Al Bukhari.
I kept repeating after him and that was the last thing I knew.

Later the next morning when I got up, I saw Sabeerah sitting next to me and that was when she explained everything to me.

"I see you got to talk to the cutest boy in the department..." She started.

"Cutest what....??" I asked rather confused.

"Junaid sultan of course.. the one who called me yesternight saying you passed out. He added that luckily, your phone had no lock and I was your frequently contacted that was how he could reach me.

Ohwww yes, I remember seeing a cute guy I answered with a smile. I never noticed he was our coursemate. I added.

Of course you wont, he is the very gentle type. She answered.

And that was how It all started. Since then, Sabeerah and I would always smile and tap each other whenever we saw him or whenever we were in class. Silly girl! She quickly figured out I liked him.

I stopped as I got to Sabeerah's and as usual, My babe has nailed it once again. 4.1 CGPA with no carryover. I love it when I win together with my girlie sabeerah.

I scanned lower and I saw Junaid's. Waw Ma sha Allah, this guy really has it all. 4.5????
You gotta be kidding me? Arent silent guys supposed to be dull? Well, this guy isint. He is literally on top of us all.
I am proud of you crushiee I shouted loudly as I ran off to break the news of my result to everyone.

Inayat! My mum called out.

Na'am, I answered as I ran over from my room.

I noticed a grocery store recently opened nearby, I just checked and we are out of seasoning cubes. Please hurry and get me one pack over there, I have to prepare dinner now.

Okay Mum, I answered as I went in, wore my favorite royal blue hijab and headed out.

It wasnt stressful to reach as it was just 4 buildings from ours.

Knock, Knock... Good Afternoon I greeted several times but to no avail.

Just as I became impatient and turned to leave, I heard his lovely voice coming from the inner chamber.

Can I help you?

I turned and my eyes met with his.

Inayat???? He asked suprisingly.

Ya Allah did he just call my name?? Here it goes again I can feel my heart beating out of my chest........

Junaid?? I asked rather calmly.

Woah yay, they met again...... How coincidental???

Who Is your ideal type of guy????

So guys, another chapter down.

See you next time.💕❤️❤️

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